Saturday, February 18, 2012

How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?

It IS possible because that is my case and my gynecologist has told me already, but HOW could I have gotten it? I've NEVER had sex. Could it be a side effect to a medicine? Or a bacteria from a public bathroom?How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?I have to echo the other respondents - be sure to get a test done. If you can, get a swab test done of the sores. Many doctors will mis-diagnose genital herpes, just based on looking at the sores. And if you have a blood test done, it will tell you whether or not you have herpes, but it won't tell you WHERE you have them - orally versus genitally. The best way to diagnose genital herpes is to have a genital sore swabbed.

Herpes is almost always spread through skin-to-skin contact. It is almost never caught from inanimate objects, and you can't catch it as a side effect from medicine.

If you have recieved oral sex, you could get it from that if the person had oral herpes. If you have rubbed against someone else when you were both naked, you could get it that way. It's also possible that you could get it from mutual masterbation, if your partner touched their own genitals and then touched yours.

My guess is that you've been misdiagnosed. I would go see another doctor (especially if the one who first diagnosed you was a general practioner and not an ob/gyn) and get a test done. If its NOT genital herpes, then you'll definitely want to figure out what it IS so that you can get it treated.

Good luck.How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that's usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2), although it can also be caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), which normally causes cold sores around the mouth.

In some cases, genital herpes causes blisters and pain in the genital area, but in others, it doesn't cause any symptoms, so someone who is infected could unknowingly pass it on to others. Sometimes people who have genital herpes only have one outbreak. Others have many outbreaks, which are less painful and shorter than the first episode.鈥?/a>How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?I would get a second opinion if you have never had sex and insist they take a culture of the fluid if you have visible sores

It is generally considered that the spreading of genital herpes through inanimate objects, such as soap, towels, clothing, bed sheets, toilet seats, and spa surfaces is highly unlikely because the herpes virus cannot live very long outside of the body.鈥?/a>
u can get infections from a dirty bathroom but the only std u can possibly get from a dirty bathroom is crabs.

maybe u should get a second opinion. if they just looked and didn't test an out break it could have been miss diagnosed.

if u have had oral sex before with some one who has cold sores then they could have transfered them to your genitals. or you could have been born with it but that is less likely to happen these days. herpes doesn't come from out of thin air. medacines do not transmit herpes but they can trigger out breaks if u already have herpes.

with out some sort of skin to skin contact with a person who has herpes its pretty hard to pass them on.How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?You can get herpes without having sex. you can get it by

1.sharing a straw with someone

2. a towel

3. swimming in a dirty public pool.

4. sleeping on dirty sheets.@(hotel)

5.public restroom.

there are tons of ways.

Check out this website there is a lot of information that you really should know about. Have your GYN prescribe Valtrex. it really works鈥?/a>How is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?
How did the Dr test you for herpes? Did you have sores present and the Dr did a culture on them? The best way is to have blood drawn to have it tested for antibodies.

Here's a website that you might want to visit(鈥?/a> for more info about herpes. Hope this helps. Good Luck!!!!
herpes can be gotten from casual contact with a contaminated surface such as toilets, etc. if that is the case i'm trually sorry for you, nobody deserves to get a std that wayHow is it possible to get genital herpes without having sex?
oral sex.

did she actually test you for it? like a culture test? if not, she could have mis diagnosed it.
1 bathroom and 2 if you never had sex i feel sorry for you
thru ORAL SEX..

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