Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What are you supposed to do while having sex?

I've only had sex once, and I wasn't quite sure what to do while having sex. Can anyone give me some ideas as to what to do while having sex? (I like to be on the bottom) So something I can do while being on the bottom. Thanks.What are you supposed to do while having sex?Some of the answers above are stupid. Some are good, but probably more technical than you want. So let me see if I can give you some practical advice.

Basically, you move with the rhythm of the act. In other words, you try to establish a good pace with the guy so that the thrusts are fairly even. You will find it easier to come to climax if you have a smooth pace that you can "build on." This is kind of hard to describe, but you will eventually see what I mean.

As you get a little more experienced, you can help change the pace to meet your own needs better (and his). If you thrust together at the same time, you shorten his strokes and speed him up. That will feel incredible to him, but it also make make him come sooner, which is why it is a more advanced move. You can also move against his rhythm, so that you are moving back as he thrusts into you, and forward as he pulls back. That has the effect of lengthening each stroke, which may feel better to you.

But for now, just get into a rhythm together. And keep your hands and lips moving on him. Kissing and touching feels just as wonderful during intercourse as it does before you start.

BTW, if you've only had sex once, how could you possibly know that you like being on the bottom? If you are on top, you may find it easier to reach orgasm. Many women do.What are you supposed to do while having sex?

The answer here could fill books (and does!)... The bottom line is to remember that skin, fingers, eyes, ears, and your brain are every bit as important as the naughty bits. Use them all, all the time. Keep your fingers and lips involved all the time. Watch for your partner's reactions every second... it the reaction is good, file that away for later. If there isn't a reaction, move on to some other idea. As long as it is pleasurable and not harmful, go for it. Both men and women love a partner who participates and isn't afraid to try new ideas when they come up.

Happy Landings!

Ed, RNWhat are you supposed to do while having sex?There are *hundreds* of things you might do, and I won't even *try* to list them all.

Best suggestion I can offer is to check out


... you'll find lots of positions (and many techniques for each of them) fully explained and animated for instructive viewing there.

Oh... but one thing you won't find, I guess... learn to use your crotch and vagina muscles as part of the action/stimulation/tension that gets you both going. It'll make *every* position and technique work better most of the time.


... and like RNcalledEd says, *every* part of you (your body, your mind, your senses, your inventive ideas, your memory, your voice... the whole works) should be involved in sex if it's gonna be really good.What are you supposed to do while having sex?
First you should not allow penetration until you are so fully aroused that you can't stand it any longer!

Then, go with the flow! Do what your body tells you to do. Hug, squirm, moan, squeal, whatever it feels like doing. If you are having sex, and just laying here, then you are not feeling anything, and it is meaningless for you.What are you supposed to do while having sex?If you have to wonder what you ought to do, then something's wrong. Sex is something that should take complete control of your passions and senses. If it's going right, you're not thinking of anything else.

Maybe you weren't in the right mood or state of mind during your first time.What are you supposed to do while having sex?
talk to your friends on the phone

look out the window

cut your nails

brush your hair/teeth

watch tv

paint a watercolor

play ps3/xbox etc


use handgrippers

rubics cube

pick your nose
Stick your dick in her vagina then kiss her neck (be creative)

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