Monday, January 30, 2012

Company Name Suggestions?

Hello great minds of yahoo think tank :)

I have a mind boggling puzzle for you.

My friends are planning to establish a translation company. We plan to assemble the group of highly qualified translators and interpreters. Quality will be number one priority. At this stage we are trying to come up with a company name. During the brainstorming session, the suggestions we came up with didn鈥檛 sound creative. To me they sound more like online translation sites: Lingua Terra, TranslateAll and etc. We would like to make it sharp and catchy. It should contain a message emphasizing that the company is committed to produce a quality product. Also, ideally the name should sound well as an acronym. For instance, one suggestion was to name it STB (Simply The Best). I think it sounds a little bit childish.

I would highly appreciate if you could share you bright ideas and help us forge the company name :)Company Name Suggestions?
Professional Interpretation %26amp; Translational Services (PITS) - long but gets the point across

Say What? catchy, easy to rememberCompany Name Suggestions?
1. Found in Translation ( a mockery name of the movie Lost in translation)

2. No barriers: a quality translation company

3. TWB:Translate with the Best

It's hard to come up with alot of names but this is what i got so far, good luck in finding the perfect name for your company.Company Name Suggestions?
The Rosetta Group (RosGro)

Multilingual Business Services (MBS)

Translation and Communication Support (Tacs)

Clear Communication Company (3C)

I hope one of these helps.
BIT - Best In Translation ?

Wikipedia won't open on my laptop!!? WTF!?

Jus wikipedia. other sites work fine.

im online and it just wont open. its been happening for days, i thought it was down until it worked in my colllege.

im running winXP media center and firefox on an Acer Aspire laptop. i thought it might be my add-ons on mozilla but IE6 doesnt load it either! Could it be spyware blaster or peer guardian or AVG? Boggled.Wikipedia won't open on my laptop!!? WTF!?
Bizarre. What happens when you try to get to Wikipedia? Do you see an error message?Wikipedia won't open on my laptop!!? WTF!?
Download IE7 then try going on to Wikipedia.

Why is she acting this way?

Me and my girlfriend have been dating around two years, we were friends for about 4-5 months before that. I'm 20 and she is 18. Although she was on the pill we found out a while back she was pregnant with my child.

Everything was going fine, we both still live at home so we waited to tell anyone and talked about how we were going to approach the situation. We even went out to price baby stuff and try to look for a place to live, everything was going well, she was pretty scared, I was fairly relaxed and tried to comfort her as much as possible.

So eventually we tell our parents, her step-dad was away on business. Her mom being a completely different person around him, she felt it was a good time, my mother is single and I've only met my dad once when I was 8. Anyway, both of them are pretty upset which they have right to be. After a while I call her and her mom is making jokes with her seemingly is a decent mood, they are looking at baby stuff online.

Some time passes. Eventually she tells her step-dad (she was going to wait a bit) during an argument. We as a couple are still doing ok, (at least it seemed that way) going to classes and work, the usual.

I make the reference several times that we need to sit down and talk, even if the parents are present. Slowly she begins to pull away, talking to her parents on the side but not really communicating with me or my mother, her parents don't even call my mom which is odd.

I call her one night, her mom picks up with a 'higher-than-thou' tone of voice (i like details sorry): "hellooo", "may i speak to (name) please?", "she's talking to her dad right now", "ook", "Ill tell her you called?" "ok", "bye."

So i wait about two hours expecting her to call me back, note this was one of the nights we agreed to sit and talk to each other. She doesn't call. I call back and her younger sister answers: "hello", "is (name) there?", "yeah, hold on", (she was still talking to her parents), "nevermind, mom sent her on an errand, bye"

My girlfriend sends me a text shortly after "(Name) didn't know what was going on. I'll talk to you later, tonight is not the night." So what do I do?...something stupid...which i realize now. I persist, i call and call and call, try sending texts, anything i can do which obviously doesn't help the situation and it all starts going down hill from there.

A few days before all of the above happened I was struggling through my classes and actually ended up dropping them and quitting school (not permanently). She continued to go. She had also had a doctors apt. that i asked about attending but she said no and we had a short argument.

All in all everything's been going pretty bad...she says she doesn't want to be with me anymore (w/ the baby) if I'm not doing something with my life, if I have no future. She says it's not fair to her or the baby...which i can agree with to an extent, i know i need to get my act together somehow, I've been considering the military since school alone is not an option at this time. She's made all these plans about how she will stay at home during the next semester and then the next after the baby is playing little to know part as it seems. Even though she keeps saying she does not deny me as the father. I just don't know what to think...I'm going crazy and having a lot of trouble processing the situation.

Currently we are taking a break, I'm pretty much doing all she asks me to because I don't want her to feel smothered, at the same time trying to tell her my own feelings but it's hard. I'm thinking in terms of months...she seems to be thinking in terms of years. It boggles my mind. She talks about how if I join the military she'll send me pictures and keep me updated. Honestly, I can't do that. I want to be around and I've told her but she keeps saying she isn't ready. Is she just confused right now or what? I can't keep going on thinking she'll be at home while I have limited access to the baby and her as well. That is far from being a 'father' in my eyes. I wanted to watch her grow, wanted to attend doctor visits, help support her in buying new clothes and baby stuff, and above all, hold my child after it's born. Can anyone tell me what could be going on with her? I had even bought her an engagement ring when i found out about the pregnancy but was waiting until December to give it to her...I ended up giving it to her early telling her to hold onto it...she took it, would she still have if she didn't care?

Also, I have a job in fact one of the reasons I quit school was to get as many working hours as possible and even work two jobs if needed. I guess that's not enough? Maybe she will come around in time?Why is she acting this way?
Go and talk to her parents with out you gf(?), they may be behind her actions. You have every right to see your child, seek legal advice.

Anyone else feeling uninspired lately?

For the past year I've been feeling stagnant/passive. This really isn't myself. I use to be full of goals and priority-orientated. But, I don't know what has happened...I was an acceptably above-average student in high-school but ever since entering college I've been dropping lower and lower, now I'm barely maintaining C's. Now it's not that the material is difficult it's just I haven't been giving a fat **** about my's quite depressing actually. The even more depressing fact is I'm expressing my misery online yet I rarely reflect upon this issue in real life!...But that's a subject matter I'd rather not touch right now. Anyways speaking of college my life-long dream of attending a university has landed me right into community college, now that boggles me deeply.

What I'm trying to get at is I'm feeling uninspired to prosper in life. I don't party, I don't drink or smoke. I've blazed once in a while but that's rare. So my social life is definitely not distracting me. I don't affiliate in any social networks except yahoo answers and blogspot so my virtual life isn't bothersome either.

So if you've been in my situation and have found some remedy to cure this cerebral plague, then please do so and respond. Your advice will be much appreciated.Anyone else feeling uninspired lately?
I remember being there. I wanted to go to a univerisity and ended up in my town's city college. I did ok in high school, but my 2nd semester in college, i failed all my classes. What you need to do is find something else to do good WHILE your in college. Your depressed because your not where your suppose to be. Try findind something interesting to do so you can keep going to college. Once your done, you can move on to a University and then youll be ok. I was in college and then, eventually went to a university, where i find myself more motivated to finish it. Hope this helps.Anyone else feeling uninspired lately?
i smoke a lot of marijuana to try and escape those feelings. its a tough economy and a tough road ahead for the younger generation of americans. I try to be optimistic about the future but reading the news you get the feeling it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. so yeah i would suggest marijuana and lots of it

ive always updated the question of mine you answered. go and check it out

How can she remember me?

I just talked to an old friend via facebook, we've just started catching up. What really surprised me is that she actually remembers me.

We sat next to each other in the second grade and we got along really well. (We were 7, we're 18 now) We haven't been able to talk to each other since then. It turns out we saw each other on the street a year ago. She recognized me and waved, which stunned the hell out of me, considering I'm over a foot taller and I look absolutely nothing like I did when I was 7. I thought it might've been her, but I by the time figured it out, she was long gone.

I added her on facebook the other day, and she seems really happy to be talking to me again. Still, what boggles my mind is that she remembered me after all these years. No old friend has ever remembered me, especially not from 10 years ago. (When I left public school for an online program in 8th grade, no one even realized I that I'd left) It'd be one thing if we were in our 30s and we had gone to high school together, but we were only 7.

How can she still remember me?

(I'm a guy and I did have a crush on her then, but I never got to tell her.

and I'm not sure whether or not she has a boyfriend)

No rude answers please.How can she remember me?
man ur lucky!!

i think she 2 has a special place for u in her heart!!

just go and xpress ur feelings to her in some indirect way, and if u get somethin similar back from her den , just admit it that she to likes u !

ol d best buddy!How can she remember me?
She probably remembers you because she liked you back then. Ask her to meet up with you and see if any old feelings arise.. best of luck -G
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  • Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?

    I was prescribed Xanax .5mg tablets not too long ago and since then had one more refill than my doctor switched me to Klonopin. One night I took 18 .5mg tabs (9mg clonazepam) so I could get high and also drank 6 beers but it honestly didnt do as much as I thought it would do to me. I could walk straight, talk fine and really didn't feel that intoxicated. Is it possible that my tolerance is really that high? Just blows my mind I haven't been taking benzodiazipines for long and it seems like these pills just don't do crap to me. I gave one .5 mg pill to my friend who takes these class of drugs occasionally and he also had a beer and he was completely out of it and didn't remember much of the night. I remember everything perfectly. Is it possible that my brain handles these drugs completely different from other people? Its just strange to me and after taking all of these pills I stopped cold turkey and felt no withdrawals whatsoever. I can eat fine and get good sleep. This is just mind boggling to me. I'm seeing a therapist tomorrow about all this stuff. Also I'm 17, 125 lbs and have been taking these pills for panic attacks. Any suggestions as to why these drugs don't affect me like they do to others? Every experience I read about online about people taking these class of drugs always seem to feel relaxed and calm. I admit they do affect me but not even a tenth of what they do to normal people. I got 33mg left and I really don't have much desire to take them. This is all kinda funny to me but should I be worried? Is it possible I have a natural tolerance? In the past Ive been prescribed painkillers for my appendicitis surgery and after taking like 10 percocets I couldn't even tell if I was feeling anything. I guess pills just don't affect me like normal people. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks a lot in advance.Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?

    It sounds like you know about benzodiazepines already so I won't launch into letting you know how dangerous they are... I'll try and answer your question though.

    Yes, it is very unusual that combining your Klonopins with alcohol didn't get you more intoxicated. Or even just the Klonopins or Percocets alone. They are supposed to affect you more, especially if you are abusing them, which you self-admittedly are.

    That being said, I wouldn't test the waters anymore. It would definitely seem that you don't react to them the same way as other people. However, this doesn't mean they aren't having the same effect on your stomach, liver, kidneys, and heart. Just because they aren't getting you high doesn't make your body superhuman. Drinking a six pack and taking 15 Klonopin is undoubtedly doing damage to your liver without you feeling it or knowing it. There's just no way that your body is able to filter that out quickly enough for it to be safe or healthy.

    I do meet many drug addicts who appear to have higher tolerance to benzos. Not necessarily because the drugs don't affect them, but because the effect is different. They may not feel the effects of the drug.

    If you've been on benzos for a while though, it is of course natural to gain tolerance to them. But I've met full blown benzo addicts who probably couldn't take that much and not get high.

    So... I would talk about it with your doctor. It is of course extremely unsafe, and benzo withdrawal can cause death due to organs shutting down. Benzodiazepines and alcohol are the only two types of drugs in which people die from withdrawals. So please be careful. Mixing benzos with alcohol is a popular combination for drug abusers but it's the most dangerous one too.

    Please be advised....... Good luck!Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?
    Alcohol and benzodiazipenes a great combination. You won't get high but you could get dead!

    What happened to my Funny Cake?

    I found a recipe for a Pennsylvania Dutch Funny Cake, which, if you've never heard of it, is basically like a cake in a pie crust. It sounded good so I made a recipe I found online. I preheat the oven to the correct temperature, I placed the rack in the middle of the oven, I double checked all the ingredients--in short, I've been baking for a long time and I knew what I was doing. Yet, I'm stumped. It was supposed to bake for about thirty five minutes. The stupid thing was in the oven for well over an hour and I finally gave up and pulled it out. It was still raw and nasty and gooey on the inside and had a rock hard crust on the outside. I don't understand what went wrong. It was literally a cake batter that went over a fudge bottom in a pie crust. I haven't had problems with cake in over a decade. Any ideas? It's boggling my mind!What happened to my Funny Cake?
    It sounds like your oven might need a service call. But you probably would have noticed if the temp was way low.

    Only other thought is for you to check other recipes and see if your quantities are similar to theirs for the pan size.What happened to my Funny Cake?
    It may be an altitude problem. I can't honestly say though.

    Why do girls suddenly stop talking to me?

    I joined one of those free online singles sites, like scout, plentyoffish, etc.

    Some girls I try to start a conversation with don't respond to my message, which is understandable. But sometimes I do get into a conversation with a girl, like earlier today for example. First thing I said to her made her laugh and she asked how I was and what I do for a living, I told her my work and that I'm in school blah blah blah, she said the same. We talked for a few minutes, then I asked her what she is going to school for, and nothing....

    This was not the first time it has happened. Im not really complaining, but its just boggling to me. Why do you do this, ladies? Yeah you! Lol.

    And you can't say she was busy, because girls have done it in the past, and never sent back a reply. Ive never done that. I always say something like gtg, ttyl, etc.

    Thanks to everyone who replies.

    Btw, a million points for the right answer! And... GO!!! ;)Why do girls suddenly stop talking to me?
    I actuallt had a plentyoffish site for 6 months. I am a girl. You have to say something that will interest her, becaus eyour profile may not be enough. Make her laugh, or she may just start chatting some one else if you are boring her, like the same old...hey how are you? good wbu...good..blah blah blah boring. ask her what kinda car she drives or if she drinks. Or tell her shes cute, comliments go far with a girl :) flirt a bit :)
    ik for some girls its because ur getting to personal because once u find out there major u get whys here and there and then u go all the way back to ur childhood, or like others have said lost connect or lost of interest in the conversation , you ask alot of line based questions that almost anyone would ask so this may be the reason people shy away. try talking about more than the usual make a joke or something tell a story (without sounding conceited ) talk more about everyday stuff not the normWhy do girls suddenly stop talking to me?
    Lost connection maybe? Or perhaps your work or school offended her in some way.
    she usually stops answering when she gets bored... thats what i do :)Why do girls suddenly stop talking to me?
    Idk Ask Them Why Because I Can't Tell You What Other People Think!
    maybe cause it's an online dating site

    My Fiance doesn't get me gifts for my birthday or Christmas. Is that bad?

    We've been together for almost 2 years..and are marrying in Sept.

    I don't question his love for me. He expresses his love verbally very well, he drives 3 hours every weekend to see me, and he's pays A LOT of attention to me during the week when we are apart (phone calls and texts)..and when he comes to my house during the weekend..he is extremely attentive to me. He is helping me plan this wedding and honeymoon...which is great..I love that he is participating.

    What boggles my mind is that he doesn't do anything for me on my birthdays or christmas.

    My last Birthday when I turned 27, he had nothing planned. On my birthday...he asked me what I wanted to do. I was surprised that he didn't plan anything already. I got online to see what there was to do that day in our town and I found 3 things that would be nice. Going skating, eat at a specific restaurant, and to the movies.

    All totaling $50. He said ok...then asked me to pay ..half. Which hurt my feelings...he could tell that it hurt my then he said he'd pay all..but I could tell her really didn't want to. He didn't get me a gift...we just went out and did all 3 of those things. The day was nice...but it still bothered me that I had to plan it all.

    Christmas--he got me nothing. Nothing, not even a card.

    Now my 28th birthday is coming again (in 10 days) and he told me that all he can afford is to get me a cake. Nothing else. Because he can't afford anything else...let me add, he just bought himself a brand new $200 xbox 4 days ago.

    I do a lot for him on his birthdays. I start planning about 2 months ahead...i bake him a cake myself..get him 2 or 3 gifts...and we have a nice party at home..then we go out to the movies, shoot some pool..and other things..and I pay for it ALL. And it's all planned months in advance. For Christmas, I do for him too...always getting him something I know he will love. He always tells me how good I make him feel...that nobody in his family ever gives him good birthdays like I do..and that for christmas...his own family does not give him thoughtful gifts like I do. BUT THEN HE TURNS AROUND..and does nothing for me on my days.

    He can EASILY spend money on himself...but when it comes to buying for others...he gets extremely greedy. He'll buy someone something for $20..then complain about it the entire time. And he'll complain about the money he spent IN FRONT OF THE PERSON HE IS GIVING THE GIFT TO!

    He's kinda like scrooge. I TRY TO MAKE IT EASY FOR HIM---tell him EXACTLY what I would like for birthday and Christmas...he asks me what I want..I tell him..but then he doesn't get it.

    HIS REASONING---he waits till the last minute to get my the day before my birthday or day before christmas...then when he goes to get it..the store is sold out..he can't find it anywhere...blah blah blah. I tell him he should plan the gift weeks in advance...he says that's a good idea...but then doesn't.

    He doesn't even get me a card.

    What are your thoughts on this?
    It sounds like during the entire year you are blessed with a wonderful man. Don't put too much emphasis on concrete gifts. They wear out. Kindness and love last forever.
    You really need to come to terms with this and accept it otherwise it will continue to bother you and build up over the years. You say he treats you well yet you are still hoping he will plan something special and if he doesn't you are going to be going to be greatly disappointed,

    Report Abuse

    CC Dont plan on changing the way he operates. You will be happier if you accept him as he is.There are 3 things that you absolutely cannot change:

    Report Abuse

    CC Dont plan on changing the way he operates. You will be happier if you accept him as he is.There are 3 things that you absolutely cannot change:

    1. The Past

    2. The Truth

    3. Other People

    Report Abuse

    I never give gifts on the "correct" date if I give them at all. It all depends on what is important to you in life. And the willingness for compromise.
    um kool
    Sounds like he has no money!
    You know how this man is. He doesn't put emphasis on birthdays and such. Plus you feel he is selfish with the money. None of this is going to change so you better decide how much of a problem this is before the I do's. Because he isn't going to change.
    i think you need to have a real long and good look at september --- if this man doesn't get it and will share nothing ( except you pay half ) then you are in for a long haul for however long you last in marriage --- and lord help you when you have little ones --- i think you need to sit him down and discuss this " selfishness " that he appears to be oblivious to --- else walk him to the kerb --- better you find out now than later --- good luck
    ahem --- revenge might sound sweet and what iv'e said may be a bitter pill to swallow --- but do you seriously believe that will change his demeanor --- youv'e got no xmas before sept --- and you might have one birthday --- but if doing for him includes something else --- sadly i thjink he is totally oblivious and in time will become a control freak
    only you can decide how important it is to you in this relationship where gifts are not given? wouldnt bother me at all! expressions of love mean more than presents!
    My thought is you had better get used to this or don't marry him. It is nice you go all out for him but don't do it thinking he should reciprocate on your birthday. He did take you out to all 3 of the places you wanted to go and yet you are upset he also didn't get you a gift? If you love him and want to be with him this is something you are just going to have to accept about him and not get so worked up about it. Aside from that you do say he is very thoughtful and considerate. Look at the positive things about him instead of making an issue out of this one thing. It really isn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I do strongly recommend you two decide on how you are going to share finances once you get married otherwise you may find yourself paying most of the bills while he spends his money on other things.
    This is the time when a man is at their best. So don't expect him to suddenly start thinking of you first. He is obviously more concerned with himself than you. And he will continue to be. Marriage doesn't change men (or women) it only ties you to the things that drive you insane and magnifies them.
    People only treat us the way we let them. Stop doing for him. Treat him like he treats you. Just know he's never gonna seem like a person with a good heart and i know its hard for you to change but just try it when it's his b-day.What does he do for his Mom? Does he buy for his family on their Holidays?
    I would ask him if he wants you to do anything for his birthday any longer since he does not go out of his way for you. One year, you should do exactly what he does %26amp; see what his reaction is.

    It is amazing how people react when they feel what they have been doing. I am not saying to be spiteful, but how else can he learn how to treat you. You have to demand respect, people don't automatically give it. Good Luck to you!
    I've been married almost 15 years, and the only gifts I get are the ones I buy myself!

    Although my wife did say she went to Guy's Freaking Nothing Store the last few occasions, but they were sold out...

    Get used to it... plus, if you base a relationship on gifts, you may want to re-examine that relationship.
    One - "The Five Love Languages" by G. Chapman. (get a freak'n clue!)

    Two - you now KNOW this man's true CHARACTER. And YOU have decided to stay in this relationship after he has SCREAMED at you who he really is.

    You have made your own bed.
    My ex wife never gave me a gift in 7 years. Maybe 1 Valentine's Day she got me boxers.

    In the long run I figured out that she never really loved me. Or at least the way that I loved her.

    I am not saying that he doesn't love you, I am just saying be sure that he shows that he loves you. It's not hard to buy a card or even a bottle of perfume.
    If you like living like this, then marry him. If not, don't. This is the time when a man is at their best. So don't expect him to suddenly start thinking of you first. He is obviously more concerned with himself than you. And he will continue to be. Marriage doesn't change men (or women) it only ties you to the things that drive you insane and magnifies them. If you don't think you can handle it or it bothers you so much you have to ask us, you two are not right for each other.
    If he makes NO EFFORT on those special days for you, then why does he EXPECT you to do so for him? That he can find money for his own indulgences, but can't "afford" to make your birthday special for you?You know he's that tight with money, well just don't expect him to magically change. Is this really the type you want to be married to?

    Ramadan: Some of your help pleasee?

    Assalamu Aleikom,

    I recently asked some Hebrew speakers what this word means because when i translated it online it came out as Muhammad: 诪讞诪讚

    Anyways, they completely attacked me even though i wasnt trying to claim anything. I was just asking why does it translate as Muhammad (as this word is from the Old Testament). I even gave them the website i used to translate it but they all said im lying and when they tried it, it didnt come out as Muhammad. Now im boggled because i keep trying it to make sure but it comes out as Muhammad with me. I dont think they lied about it, but im also seeing it with my own eyes :/

    So will some of you please try this out and let me know what you get? I used, just type in 诪讞诪讚 on the left and translate. Do you get Muhammad? Is it possible that im the only one getting Muhammad and they're right? :S

    Jazakom'Allah!Ramadan: Some of your help pleasee?
    I am getting Muhammad :)

    I tried it out.

    Okay so why this name Muhammad does refer to Prophet(s.a.w), is because, He (s.a.w) was the first man to be named that. And old testament is a religious book which is supposedly to exist before Prophet(s.a.w) was even born. Hence any Muhammad in religious texts, let it be Quran or anyother book, obviously refers to Prophet(s.a.w).
    :):):) in songs of solomon 5:16 our prophet is mentioned by name (muhammadin plural for respect). This is a very huge deal among muslims, jews and christians. what they have done is that they have translated the name muhammad and wrote the one who praises a lot!!! Hebrew is the only language that reads the word Muhmmad without literally translate it. This is why that jew person or christian person got mad. this is the nature of the truth it makes them mad :):) congratulations on your discovery of one the most controvesial verses of bible and torah: the verse that mentions our prophet by name!!!!!Ramadan: Some of your help pleasee?
    Wa alaykum salam. Yes certainly you are right because the word Muhammad had been introduced to them by Allah that the man called Muhammad will come after their prophets as stated in their genuine Taurat (Torah) and also in the Injil (Bible).Alhamdulillah if you have it in your translation.
    It is (M+H+M+D+I+M);those that deny this usually say (M+KH+M+D+I+M) instead is correct, but that is not true because Yiddish is not the same as Classical Hebrew...Ashkenazim can not pronounce "丨" sound correctly.Ramadan: Some of your help pleasee?
    y is it that because it says muhammad, you think it refers to your prophet.. im not mad or anything but this question just popped up in my mind.. i have a friend named jesus.. but i know the bible isnt referring to him.. what else does it say about muhammad that makes you think it refers to him??
    I have heard about this controversy of the bible and torah mentioning our prophets SAW name. Now i have the proof and references to back it up. thanks for your help. i clicked here to help you and you ended up helping me!

    sorry i didnt really answer...
    wa alaikum Salam

    And welcome to truth. I have checked it . It is Muhammad.

    And what do you think about it ???鈥?/a>
    i just translated that word and it was Muhammad.
    In all fareness I don't speak or know hebrew but from the nature of your request I can only conclude that you're gonna get a hard time. Afterall why wouldn't the Bible or the Torah make mention of our beloved Prophet in the book of their pages ?, Omar ibn Al khattab(ra) saw it afterall and according to hadith even showed the Prophet(saw) the verses in question in the Torah. (deny it or not it is there for all to see)

    May Allah bless you with patience and reliance upon him to gain you success in your endeavour insha Allah Ameen
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  • Does anyone else think the Sims 3 is lame?

    I waited all this time (August 2010) to buy the game. I bought the loft expansion. I've played it a few days and I am so unimpressed. It seems like going back to Sims 1 without any expansions, except the surroundings are beautiful.

    Anywhere to go have coffee? Buy clothes that you can actually keep?

    And geez, um, maybe a little content? I know I can put a million different patterns on a chair, if I want to, but I think they are trying to get every single last cent out of users.

    The Sims 2 Store started all that - and I guarantee you that was a little test to see if anyone would actually buy stuff from them online. I'd bet on it.

    But signing on to the launcher, and I see everything that is for "download" (sale) - it boggles my mind. The offerings that are for sale just go on and on and on. The prices are outrageous, too. The point is, they have given us very, very little to work with unless we want to keep our wallets continually open. They should have a program where you can have your paycheck direct deposited into EA, that way we can always have the new chair that just came out. (sarcasm) I feel suckered and I want my money back. Good luck, right? I got the EA Download that took oh, about two weeks to register.

    I just wonder if anyone else feels like I do. And if you love it, there's no need to tell I am a loser or whatever. I know that most do. Don't dislike me because I dislike the game. I just want to get the pulse of other the playing community.Does anyone else think the Sims 3 is lame?
    dude, yes... i got sims 3 and i was so impressed and i luved it...but then i got the sims 2 and all the expantion packs and i was i little dissapointed with the sims 3, ya i like that in the sims 3 you can walk anywere and got to peopls house and see them at school but there is so much more to the sims 2 that i like better!Does anyone else think the Sims 3 is lame?
    well....sims 3 isn't that lame, yes it has some very annoying bugs that sould be resolved quickly, but other then that, i don't see any problem

    Breathing problems only 9 1/2 weeks, three different diagnoses, please help (long story)?

    I'm 9 1/2 weeks pregnant with my second baby and for about 2 months I've been having trouble breathing. I have to frequently take deep breaths and sometimes after taking several, I still do not feel like I got the refreshing breath of air I needed. I visited my family doctor and discussed the problems I was having. She mentioned that it could be Asthma or even allergies. She gave me a prescription for the generic form of Claritin (for the allergies) and told me to check with my OB about taking a Pulmonary Function Test (due to use of an inhaler during the test). My OB gave the go ahead and I took the test today. I'm really frustrated with how things went and I need some advice on what to do.

    First of all, she told me that the results of the PFT were inaccurate and explains that it is usually due to the lack of "coaching" from the test administrator (nurse). Then she goes on to say that she was able to get some results from the test and that I have Asthma. After telling me she is going to write me a prescription for an inhaler, I told her that I did not feel any better after taking the inhaler during the test. I asked if the prescription would be for the same thing, and she said it was. Then she goes on to say that if the inhaler didn't work I must be suffering from anxiety and tells me she is going to write me a prescription for Wellbutrin (but wants me to check with my OB on that one too). Now this one boggles my mind. I told her that I didn't really understand what anxiety was. As she was explaining it to me she started talking about how there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of (okay???) and how stress can have this affect on people. Now let me tell you, I am probably one of the least stressed people in this world and I feel very blessed to have it that way. And, even when I am stressed I feel that I handle it very well. On top of that I'm a pretty easy going happy-go-lucky type of person. I am a stay at home mom with a 20 month old daughter and I have a pretty laid back life. If anything I would say that it's more boring than anything lol. Yes, I have one on the way, but I feel way more comfortable with this one having went through it before than I did with my first baby. I have a stable life and a great husband (most of the time lol) that loves me more than anyone in the world. I just don't understand where the anxiety would come in.

    To sum it all up I have a prescription for Claritin because the allergies are causing these problems (which she told me to continue taking but IMO hasn't made a difference), I have a prescription for an inhaler because it's Asthma that is causing these problems and now she wants to write me a script for Wellbutrin because it must be anxiety.

    I am the type of person that takes medicine as a last resort. I just don't like to do it especially during pregnancy. On top of that I put doctors in the same category as mechanics, I don't mean any disrespect but I just have a hard time trusting them. It seems like she gave me a prescription for everything it COULD be. But has no clue what it actually is. I don't know what to do. I'm probably not going to take the Wellbutrin though. From what I read online it's mainly prescribed for depression and to help stop smoking. I don't think pregnancy is the time to start taking a serious drug like this. I'll probably stop taking the Claritin because it seems to have made no difference.

    What do I do? How can I get to the bottom of my problem? Has anything like this happened to you?Breathing problems only 9 1/2 weeks, three different diagnoses, please help (long story)?
    follow up with the pulmonologist %26amp; don't leave the office till ALL of the questions you've written down have been answered. learn CPR, use the nebulizer EXACTLY as prescribed, and get some counseling (and some sleep).Breathing problems only 9 1/2 weeks, three different diagnoses, please help (long story)?
    Usually the claritin D works well for allergies, stuffy nose etc rather than just claritin. Try the wellbutrin , it may just do the trick.Breathing problems only 9 1/2 weeks, three different diagnoses, please help (long story)?
    Oh, please, don't take any of that while you are pregnant. Doctors are just in a business that is run on the amount of drugs they can prescribe. (mostly just to make you feel like they are doing something for you) Look into alternative methods. Find a Himalayan Salt Lamp. It changes the ions in the air and you will feel like you are getting the breath you need.

    I doubt you have anxiety.

    Increase your intake of yams. These will give you a happy feeling, more energy. Do not peel them. Most of the good stuff is in the skin and one quarter into the flesh. (You could find it in capsule form, but why not just cook 'em yourself)

    Look into foot reflexology. you can cure sinus conditions with that. You can find the same spot on your hands as your feet. I've done it for forty years! I also used it for ear infections, headaches, PMS and cramps with my cycle, back pain with pregnancy ( and driving)

    You can have a drug free life if you choose to. I have a OBGYN that is supportive of my choice. She has given me prescriptions before and has let me know that it is something I might consider but that I am not obligated to fill it. I like that, I do my annuals but that it almost my only contact with Western medicine doctors.

    I can cure bladder infections without the drugs. Marshmallow root will let you piss blood without screaming! lol (but there is more to the cure than that) A good book is 20,000 secrets of tea by Victoria Zak.

    Good luck. You may ask me any of these type of cures, etc. There are some teas you should take to make your birth better, too. No epidural! Please look into the controversy on that, too.
    You have no confidence in this provider, change health care provider immediately.

    Yahoo messenger not working anymore nor letting me sign in and locks up everytime?

    so i never had a problem with yahoo until recently this week when i bring yahoo messenger 9 up, it had the yahoo smiley face that would pop up when you typed in your user name and password, well the smiley face that was there in the past isnt there now. i can get as far as a plain sign in screen, but soon as i enter my info and password and click "sign on", my yahoo freezes up automatically. i cant even sign into msn messenger either. my aol still works which is boggling me. i ran a couple virus scanners which found some malicious software and claimed it got rid of it, but i still cannot use my computer to sign online with either messengers. anyone have a problem like this? i can still use my yahoo account on my girlfriends computer with no problems, so i know i havent been blocked or anything, so im wondering if theres some sort of virus that might have been sent to me that is basically blocking me from using yahoo messenger. im running windows xp. and i tried deleting messenger and re-installing, but my comp will freeze up whenever i try to download anything. any help would be great, i hate to have to get a new comp, but this is a painYahoo messenger not working anymore nor letting me sign in and locks up everytime?
    Sounds like a virus or malware - its a pretty sure sign when they do not allow you to download anything because they block you downloading programs that would detect and destroy them.Yahoo messenger not working anymore nor letting me sign in and locks up everytime?
    I really think you need to run some more scans, your computer is probably still infected. Run your virus scan (you do have an anti-virus don't you?). Then once you have done that read this spyware removal guide and follow the steps:鈥?/a>

    Never click on links somebody sends you unless you are sure it can be trusted. This goes for email too. You might think it is from a friend but it is really not. Infected computers can target everybody on somebody's contact list. This article on how to avoid instant message viruses is informative:鈥?/a>

    Uninstalling yahoo messenger will not remove the infection from your computer. You need to run anti-virus and anti-spyware scans.

    It is also a good idea to clean out your computer's temporary files, including browser temp files and cookies. This is just in case malware is hiding there and it might also improve system performance. A great program for doing this, is Ccleaner. Be sure to read the FAQ page and other supporting pages so you know how to use it properly. Stick with the Cleaner part (broom icon). Only if you know how to protect yourself and use a registry scanner safely should you use the registry scanner part because if you do not know what you are doing you can screw up your computer.

    Here is an excellent article to learn how to be safe on the internet, . It covers everything from viruses, spyware, and firewalls in great detail. The links in it that do not work right are pointing to the link I gave above from ( or gizmo's freeware). So just use the one above. This spyware removal guide is a good article to follow from鈥?/a> .

    Be sure to also scan any external hard drive, flash drive, USB storage device that you use as well. I have even heard that iPods can be infected so be sure to scan those too.

    One last important note. Often free security programs have to be manually updated while the commercial ones have automatic updates. It is vital that you keep your security programs up to date with the latest malware definitions or they will be useless.

    If you need further information about how to protect your computer or still are having problems then please email me via my Yahoo! Answers profile.Yahoo messenger not working anymore nor letting me sign in and locks up everytime?
    I have been having the same problem. (Couldn't sign in to messenger.) I fixed it this morning by turning off my messenger, going to , re-downloading and re-installing a fresh copy.

    I am not sure what is going on with your messenger. It could very well be a result of the malicious software. But it could also be caused by your security programs on your computer. Example: I have Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy. One of the things it does is blog registry changes unless I give permission. As a result, sometimes a program needs to make a change to the registry and if I accidentally click no, it stops working.

    My suggestion to you: Turn off messenger and any other programs you don't need. Scan for viruses again. ( I like to double-check with a free scan at when something weird is going on. ) Restart your computer. Make sure messenger is off again. Go to , download a new copy, and install it.

    Restart your computer again and see if it's working. If not, leave a comment here and I'll try to remember to come back and give you another idea.

    Also, if you really get desperate enough to get a new computer, I suggest you first try backing up any pictures or other valuable items you have then get an XP disc and reformat your hard drive with it. Make sure you get the version you already have a product key for ( home, pro, or media center ) ... You should be able to find a CD for this purpose for $10 - $20 if you already have a product key. Or you might even be able to borrow one for free. ... Don't forget to scan the stuff you backed up for viruses before putting it back on your computer.

    Family Friend is now friends with my ex!?

    Last night I was on the phone with a friend of mine who had just been dumped by her boyfriend. She was drinking and decided, just for fun, to look for MySpace pages of guys we have both dated over the years. She encountered the page of one of my exes, who was abusive to me in every way for years. She giggled, said, "Hey, he actually has 60 friends!" I said, "I don't really care." Then she turned serious. "No, you really should look. It's not good." I no longer have a MySpace page, so I had to type in the link she gave me. I looked at his friends list, and Lo and Behold, a male friend of my family was one of his friends! This friend once wanted to date me, but I consider him family so I said I just wanted to be friends. He helps to babysit my nieces. He is a truck driver and calls whenever he is in town. My family spends Christmas at his parents' house every year. He met my current boyfriend and was very polite to him. I never told him what my ex looks like or his last name; the only information he knows is where he lives and what his first name is, and yet he somehow managed to become a MySpace friend of his. I am boggled as to how this could have happened. It also turns out that he became friends with him a couple months ago, which is around the time that my ex started stalking me online. I have never felt so betrayed in my life. He has four separate MySpace accounts, and the one he used to become friends with my ex is separate from the one he used to become friends with me and my current boyfriend when I still had an account of my own. I feel violated. My question is this--how should I confront this family friend?Family Friend is now friends with my ex!?
    Take a second and think..

    You just said that they became 'friends' around the time your EX stalked you, right? Could it possibly be that your EX is using your friend to get to/at you?

    Just ask the friend whats up if it bothers you that much. Frankly, its only myspace.. Who said they hung out at bars in real life?Family Friend is now friends with my ex!?
    You shouldn't confront him at all. Who the guy is friends with is none of your business.

    I have to ask, is he just a face in the friends or is there messages between them? I know people with MySpace accounts that have hundreds of friends on their list that they don't even know.

    I would suggest leaving MySpace and moving to Face Book and protect your privacy. Neither of them can get in unless you invite them.

    In your place, I would just avoid them both. If I had to be in the same room I would be polite and distant so it don't make everyone uncomfortable. I would not tell the family friend anything about myself or my life.

    That would take the fun out of it for your Ex if there is no info to be gotten.

    Does the Wall Street Journal really believe that saving is bad for the economy?鈥?/a>

    The headline for this article in a newspaper that is not supposed to be as economically ignorant as the New York Times is just mind-boggling. "Hard-Hit Families Finally Start Saving, Aggravating Nation's Economic Woes"

    In fact, the reason why the nation has such severe economic woes is largely due to our abysmal savings rate, the lowest in the world. The conspicuous overconsumption of the last century is finally catching up to us now, as the "great" presidents of the last few decades mortgaged today (at the time, the distant future) in order to immediately consume then. We are finally feeling the effects of the false "boom" periods of the past when people threw their money away on junk instead of saving to produce more wealth in the future.

    Unfortunately, that sophisticated pseudoeconomic justification for irresponsible fiscal policy (Keynesianism) remains widely believed by the press, including the supposedly "intelligent" and "free market" Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal, although it is not the New York Times, still publishes absurd articles that would be right at home in the New York Times.

    Does the Wall Street Journal really believe that savings is bad for the economy? How can anybody actually believe absurdities like this?Does the Wall Street Journal really believe that saving is bad for the economy?
    depends on where you save your money. if you pull all your money out of the bank and keep it under your bed, thats bad for the economy. if you save it in banks and bonds, then thats good for the economy. keeping it at home means that it isnt circulating. keeping it in a bank means that more money is available for people to borrow and invest.Does the Wall Street Journal really believe that saving is bad for the economy?
    Its a Double Edge Sword..

    The more we save, the less we spend. And if we spend less, the economy suffers and businesses begin laying off people or going bankrupt.Does the Wall Street Journal really believe that saving is bad for the economy?
    {{{ Unfortunately, that sophisticated pseudoeconomic justification for irresponsible fiscal policy (Keynesianism) remains widely believed by the press, including the supposedly "intelligent" and "free market" Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal, although it is not the New York Times, still publishes absurd articles that would be right at home in the New York Times. }}}

    This is hilarious. Everybody wants to blame Keynesianism because stupid politicians and economists misused it for decades. Keynes didn't say to go into debt for weapons systems that couldn't work like Ronald Ragygun's Star Wars. Keynes didn't tell the economics profession to ignore the depreciation consumers' automobiles. There were 200,000,000+ cars in the United States in 1995. How many were there in 1946 when Keynes died.

    If you give pseudo-intellectuals some new knowledge they will come up with more complicated ways of being stupid.

    Then after they screw things up they will try to blame the person that came up with the knowledge. ROFL

    Of course I never heard of Keynes, Galbraith or Friedman saying that accounting should be mandatory in our schools. Shouldn't it be easy with today's computers?
    Uh, more companies going out of business, putting more people out of work, is NOT good for the economy.

    What they're saying is that, if people don't buy stuff, and use services, that's what's going to keep happening.

    Spending money you actually HAVE is not the same as borrowing and spending money you don't have.

    It's not that it's harmful for anyone to ever save any money; it's just that more and more companies are tanking, putting more people out of work.
  • professor layton
  • tess gerritsen
  • How to help my passive aggressive boyfriend?

    I read an article online about passive aggressiveness that describes my boyfriend perfectly. Our fights become mind-boggling because he doesn't tell me when something is wrong he just ignores me.

    How can I help him? I'm afraid if I tell him he's passive aggressive he will get defensive and possibly not talk to me because of course he won't want to admit something is wrong with him.How to help my passive aggressive boyfriend?
    Well the only way he can get help with being passive aggressive is if he gets rid of his anger, b/c thats what being pass. agg. is about -- misplaced anger. So, talk to him about his anger and help him work through it like a therapist would, and don't do things to make him angry! poor guy...How to help my passive aggressive boyfriend?
    Please break it off. I married a passive aggressive. He can't even discuss what we disagree about.

    We never get that far. I spend everyday scratching my head. What is he doing? What is he thinking? WHY did he say that? I've tried everything. He isn't a bad guy, but he isn't relationship material, no kind of relationship. His parents were very strnage and he was ostracized in school because of poor social skills. It isn't our job to save screwed up people. PLEASE don't waste your life.

    When my baby is old enough, I'll leave skid marks on the carpet getting out of here. He isn't a bad guy, but he is a nut.

    Be very careful who you marry. DON'T GET PREGNANT.

    IS there a way I can change this?

    We dated for 4 months and then broke up....we weren't in contact for a number of months and then we started playing tennis together over the summer...that led to tennis, have dinner, fool around...I am going away for xmas and I haven't seen him for a few weeks but we talk every day online. We were supposed to get together before I left but he's just not willing to commit to a date. He called me and asked me to lunch today. I wasn't home. So I called him and he said he's got plans to hang out and watch the game with friends and he'd talk to me when I get back.

    He's 42, he's divorced, been that way for 6 years. When I said I was dissapointed, he asked what is it, do I need a little booty call? I just wanted to snuggle- but that would have been nice. I told him I just missed seeing him that's all. And a little makeout would be nice. And he said yeah, he could use that too. Then suggested he come over BEFORE going to watch the game with his friends. I put the kabash on that. I just wanted to have a night in with a fire in the firplace, a pizza delivered and watch the game and snuggle. That he chose anything else over the possiblily of sex, pizza and the game boggles my mind.

    He called to ask me to go to lunch, so I go, well, he misses me somewhat.


    I really want to not like him. I try. I just do.IS there a way I can change this?
    Nope. He's just not that into you...

    How do I use a Wireless Printer?

    I've viewed some answers asking the same general question, but most fail to answer a question that is still boggling my mind. First, my situation: I will be in a dorm that offers ethernet connections. The campus itself is wireless, but the dorms require you to wire up your ethernet cable to go online. My laptop has a wireless connection card, a good one, and my printer is also supposedly wireless.

    My question is: How, if possible, can I connect to my "wireless" printer wirelessly? I don't want to resort to bluetooth, I don't want to have to use a router, and I simply just want the printer to do what it was advertised to do, that being to communicate with my laptop via a wireless frequency, no cords attached.How do I use a Wireless Printer?
    good question! wondering this myself. I haven't bought my wireless printer, yet, but want to know if I buy one, does it have to plug into anything other than electricity? I don't want to plug it into internet, either, just print things from my laptop.

    How true is this?????…

    Because I have heard that they never found a radio broadcast transcript of arabs telling them to leave. It was just a postulation because arabs were leaving even though they were asked to say (not all of course). What is the deal here? I have read many books on this situation. What you read online is mostly crap, books are the way to go. And it seems that one book talks about ethnic cleansing and another talks about voluntary exodus (from fear). Usually when I see a situation like this it boggles my mind.

    Also the arab immigration into Palestine in the 1920's is not well documented either. Many historians believe it happened because the population rose by nearly 350,000 (give or take). IT wasn't documented because it was illegal immigration, only in America does illegal immigration get documented because its on American soil. Britain was too far away to document such an event but commented that it was true. So, who should I believe. It's weird how only this conflict has so many books and all of them are different.How true is this?????
    The Palestinians were always there but the nature of the data do not permit precise conclusions about the Arab population of Palestine in Ottoman and British times.

    In studying the population of Palestine between 1800 and 1948, we must keep in mind that there was only one agreed-upon reliable census in all that time, which took place in 1931.

    During the Ottoman rule many did their best to evade military services and taxes. And Nomadic Bedouin were not counted or under counted in both Ottoman and British censuses.

    The population figures of the British mandate were more reliable. Even if not 100%.

    And your link is fake...
    If Israel wanted to make Arabs leave how is it that so many stayed ??

    Since the 1800s a steady flow of Jewish immigrants trickled into Israel, many were farmers, the land of Israel was again used for agriculture, laborers were needed to dry the Hula swamp and work the fields.About 12000 Arabs immigrated from Lebanon and Syria.

    Glad to be of helpHow true is this?????
    We are the Greeks.

    We say that this story is not true.

    We are the only ones you can trust.

    We have nothing to gain here.

    We are unbiased.

    We support the Palestinians because it's the right thing to do.

    We say:

    Γει? Σου Ελε?θερη Παλαιστ?νη
    Jew friend, that's a fake story.

    Jesus man you are such a bore!

    Are all jews that boring?

    You are worse than the Norwegians you know!

    At least your feet don't stink that much.

    OMG!! Time to hit the streets. If the snow is low I may have sex tonite, but please don't ask me with whom. I don't want to know either.

    Damn gays! You look so good. What a waste.

    racist thumbs down for good luck.

    please?How true is this?????
    There are as many different opinions as there are writers. Books are written for a market and have been a long time. They preach to the choir.

    You get to pick which one you want but don't let any one else's opinions be your final opinion.
    Here is the true and factual history of Palestine and the jews. Enjoy...

    Your welcome.
    It's all for zions sake your website there. Thanks but no thanks. Cheers!
    You said it yourself;

    What you read online is mostly crap!?

    And so is your link.
    One way to check is when the "ideas" originated.

    A lot of the Arab side arguments were developed after the other original ideas were documented %26amp; written about. For instance, it wasn't described as ethnic cleansing back during the time period. There are Arab quotes themselves verifying they were asked to leave by their own leadership (not all of course). has posted some of them recently I think (I saw them ages ago, elsewhere.)

    The fence was a study in such behavior. Before it was built, the leftwing supported it as reinforcing their goal of two-state solution %26amp; peace. After it was built at first there was sound bite after bite on US news by the then spokes person (the Arab woman who's name escapes me) about "apartheid" as the reason for unfairness. It was only 3 months later that there was first any complaint about "where" it was located as the problem by the Arabs. For odd time delay considering it was their spokens person setting the tone. Meanwhile the leftwing starting saying the fence was a terrible right wing mistake oppressive mistake, 2nding the "apartheid concept". They've settled on saying it's where it was placed that's the problem right in the Arab faces, yet no mention is made that it's been moved in many placed as a result of court cases won in Israeli court by Arabs.

    So, absolutely, the use of propoganda in the media is huge in this subject, %26amp; you can't just read the news to figure it out.

    What I've used to dig are:

    - Paying attention to when the complaints started. Often well after another truth was accepted by both sides uncontested.

    - Really digging for both side's stories. Often there are enough holes in one or the other that it becomes more obvious what's going on. This often means figuring out the right term to search. For instance, that patch of land argued about by Hizbollah (Sheba Farms) has a totally different name in Israel, so if you want facts, you have to think to look for it.

    - Using common sense. A Palestinian News Netword article set on showing their "rightness" made it completely obvious that these young kids had just shot off a missle before being counter hit -- that I used it as evidence, but not in the way the article intended. Al-Jazeers %26amp; Lebanon Star sometimes has facts, missing from western papers. Overall the media is so bad that it would often take 5 papers before I pieced together a sensible picture of what happened.

    This is my bias, but I'm mention it. After doing a whole bunch of research on all the left-wing claims of horrors, I consistently found Israel had acted reasonably. There is a cultural Arab belief that it's okay to say what's "needed" to win the war. They themselves have been quoted as saying it. So in general, I now just dismiss the drama queen sounding stuff, such as words like "apartheid" when Israel's losing a fortune on the security in the terroritories, not gaining financially the way it was in S. Africa. Also there are Muslim Arab Israel citizens - even Carter says it's not about race or apartheid (at the end of his book.)

    Consider this - don't you dismiss the drama queen sounding stuff about Muslims %26amp; Iranians? And some of that is true (but there's a lot to dismiss, for instance, Iranians are largely progressive %26amp; not like Ahemdinajad at all.) I've come to the conclusion, the ME has it's own varient on 9/11 truther information that looks so intriguing, but falls flat only after closely looking.

    Good luck with your searches. It's not easy.


    A Note

    A number of folks in YA Israel travel have made clear anti-semitic remarks such as insisting the Protocol of the Elders is true. So again, use your common sense when you read.

    My ancestors have told me few of the stories they lived, my grand father is 98 years old and still fully sane, from what ive heard of him, i can confirm few things on that link are actually true, and some are a bit different than what i have heard.

    Ill share what i know.

    basically, it started out with the 1920s incidents, from land selling which was divided also into few reasons

    Troubles happening made some sell to fellow jewish neighbors out of trust for them and fear from the massacres that were advertised to happen, thinking those lands will be safe if they were found with jewish.

    Some did sell lands for money and some were forced to.

    The struggle began officially when the land was announced as state of israel, denying the rights of other officials such as when you buy houses it doesnt mean you own the city (lets not argue that am just saying the point of view from this side)

    The points after that i agree on are ones like :

    Some did get out of fear, and most of them thought it wasnt going to last long

    The promised blood bath also existed

    The arab armies invasion promise, also true they asked palestinians to leave to be safe untill this is resolved ( 60 yrs so far for that promise)

    - We have a different perspective for dir yasin massacre.

    I didnt go onto all other notes, cause your question is about were arabs asked to stay for some portions, well yes some of them.

    But many were forced to leave, or left out of the threat they felt.

    Times were different you know, and many things happened then was easy to scare lots of people, i dont see where that puts the blame on them , however it doesnt mean things wouldnt have looked different if they stayed and proved we can all live together (wish it was out case)

    This conflict has 2 sides and each one has his story, question is which is true and to what extent?

    What you need to remember is that even books have opinions, after all they are written by humans and humans have opinions which are influenced by the political side they take. Try to look at facts and make your conclusions from there.


    Some Arabs left, some to make room for invading armies(they thought they would win and come back) and some from fear of war itself.

    Others decided to stay, some of them were forced out(mainly from villages who took part in the fight) after all it was war and some remained in Israel(mainly from villages who did not take part in the war).

    Israel DID encourage Arabs to stay and become citizens.

    Here is your proof:

    - 1.2 million Muslims are Israeli citizens with full rights(if the Jewish goal was ethnic cleansing we have failed badly).

    - Bedouins, Druze, Christians and an Arab Muslim minority who supports Israel did not become refugees. Bedouins and Druze(together with the Jews) fought the Muslim Arabs(today called Palestinians) who wanted to destroy the Jewish state, they stood by us from day one and participated in the independence war.

    There are Muslim Arab villages in Israel, these villages were not harmed, these Muslims did not participate in the war so there was no reason to force them to leave, neither did they have a reason to leave, they supported the Jews and today they serve in the Israeli army together with Druze Bedouins and Jews. Look up Kfar Kama for example.

    The reason why the refugees were not allowed back in was because the majority of them were a threat to Israel, you can't allow people who want to destroy you to enter your home.

    They had their chance to get a second independent Arab Muslim state in Palestine(first one was Jordan) but it was more important to them to not let us have a state/home as well.
    Not true

    What you talking is not history

    there are few families stayed in Talbeyeh after 1948 till 1967 i might try to get one of them to write how life was during this period, I know it was terrible full of hatred inconvenience racism ,Who ever left there was looking to be in more close community ,the same as Jews did as well,Talbeyeh is an area where rich pple lived ,Jews lived there Muslim Pals and Christian Pals, as rich houses are "villas" so they preferred just to be in condensed area where he can be more protected,Many of them till this minute are living in east Jerusalem ,and they carry the tabo of there houses

    here is a story of little girl ,who lived in one of these houses on the main road now ,red colored stones

    She used to study in Bethlehem ,she was a kid ,the school bus took her to school,once she came back from school,she had a dead father in the house dead mother, a poor little girl sat on the stairs crying ,her fathers family took her to Amman and she stayed with relatives

    By 1993 she was of the very first to come to jerusalem\

    "She used to work in Jordan TV"

    she came to her house

    she knocked on the door

    they (?) answered and never let her in

    if you want me work more on this topic I will sure get you all details

    the family Muzaffar had a big piece of land near what is called now Holandia next to "Gihon"in talbeyeh he is in east jerusalem and he lived once in Talbeyeh

    so just do not believe what you read it is just ////////

    What is this about? He is a decent person but I can't understand.?

    We dated for 4 months and then broke up....we weren't in contact for a number of months and then we started playing tennis together over the summer...that led to tennis, have dinner, fool around...I am going away for xmas and I haven't seen him for a few weeks but we talk every day online. We were supposed to get together before I left but he's just not willing to commit to a date. He called me and asked me to lunch today. I wasn't home. So I called him and he said he's got plans to hang out and watch the game with friends and he'd talk to me when I get back.

    He's 42, he's divorced, been that way for 6 years. When I said I was dissapointed, he asked what is it, do I need a little booty call? I just wanted to snuggle- but that would have been nice. I told him I just missed seeing him that's all. And a little makeout would be nice. And he said yeah, he could use that too. Then suggested he come over BEFORE going to watch the game with his friends. I put the kabash on that. I just wanted to have a night in with a fire in the firplace, a pizza delivered and watch the game and snuggle. That he chose anything else over the possiblily of sex, pizza and the game boggles my mind.

    He called to ask me to go to lunch, so I go, well, he misses me somewhat.


    There are times I think he doesn't understand why I would like him. I get it.

    I really want to not like him. I try. I just do.What is this about? He is a decent person but I can't understand.?
    You both need opposite sex. You want to be intimate for some reason he does not.What is this about? He is a decent person but I can't understand.?
    Alright well good luck
  • game of thrones book
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  • What is the best digital point-and-shoot camera?

    I am a high school yearbook adviser. We are in desperate need of a new camera. I'm looking for a point and shoot that takes good pictures in low light situations or at night (like a football game, for example). I need something that is easy to use, takes great pictures, and that I can get for less than $150 (and potentially cheaper than that on eBay). Since we use an online system to create our yearbook, the higher the resolution, the better--at least 12 MP would be ideal. I'd particularly like something that has digital image stabilization capabilities. I've read countless reviews, and my mind is absolutely boggled. Anyone have any advice?What is the best digital point-and-shoot camera?
    The easiest to use is a Sony Cybershot. You will have to go beyond their cheapest model to get decent shots.What is the best digital point-and-shoot camera?
    There's nothing more satisfying than taking great pictures! And with the Canon PowerShot A3100 IS, it's so effortless. The 12.1-megapixel resolution and 4x optical zoom with Optical Image Stabilizer ensure radiant, detailed images. Plus, you've got an advanced DIGIC III Image Processor with evolved Face Detection Technology and the Face Detection Self-timer for extraordinary control and performance. New scene modes give your images a professional feel. There's the Face Detection Self-timer for extraordinary control and performance and Smart AUTO lets you handle challenging conditions with ease. Plus this trim, fashionable camera is yours in three stunning colors.

    Why are people so gullible?

    People will believe anything. They get fooled into alternative medicine , special diets, weird religious practices,etc.

    Alternative medicine: most things sold at GNC (except protein powder) are bs. It boggles my mind that so many people can take a special product or herb for years, often like 20 different herbs. or even take themselves or their child off a medication(usually an ADHD medicine) to try the herb. in the past, i could understand how someone could do this. but now we have internet, and i just find it ridiculous that these people spend hours researching herbs and diets, and spending hundreds, but never see the online articles showing that they are BS.

    special diets: you dont need a special diet to lose weight. The only reason people on special diets that have strict details like "a specific ratio of alkaline food to acidic food,etc." lose weight is because in order to be on these diets, is that its really hard to actually follow these details, and this makes eating less convenient and more complex than it needs to be, which causes people to just eat less. Eating less and burning more is really the only way of weight loss. its really that simple. although the metabolism slows when u stop eating, and u may be more apt to gain weight when the diet is over, your metabolism will speed back up again before significant weight gain occurs. if that wasnt the case, anorexics wouldnt be skinny. Why do people fall for all this other alternative medicine stuff when most info on the internet shows that its wrong.Why are people so gullible?
    well some people want to lose weight fast... it takes forever to lose weight.

    plus a lot of people died while using medication, it doesn't work sometimes, people just want to try something else.
    Its not that most people are stupid, but some are, its just that people in general don't care. It's just people don't really spend time to think about it like we might, it doesn't always have to do with intelligence. There's absolutely nothing to back up claims in the bible, quran or any other holy book, yet billions of people adhere to them, why?, because they just dont care if they are wrong.Why are people so gullible?
    Why are people so gullible?


    - ignorance,

    - hope the witch some beliefs supply,

    - curious (trying something new/bored)

    - generally being irrational,

    - etc,
    'when most info on the internet shows that its wrong'
    Your argument failed right at that moment.Why are people so gullible?
    I've been pondering this for a while... i have come to the conclusion that people are stupid.
    It really comes down on a person's critical thinking, it's how you can put two and two together.

    Also humans are programmed to trust people, that's the bases of human society.

    Plus people are not stupid, just overly curious, really think of how crazy people would have thought Copernicus to think that a WELL PROVEN FACT that the earth is the center of the universe was wrong.

    Think the stars move, sun moves, and the moon moves around earth because that is how it looked.

    Well as we all know COPERNICUS WAS RIGHT that the geocentric system was wrong.

    So just because it seems like it is proven, it doesn't mean that it is true. So even though it is frustrating when people believes the opposite doesn't make them crazy.

    Unless they believe that there are unicorns in Greenland by some info on a website that no one's heard of.( I mean no offense to Greenland)
    It is not always that people are gullible.

    If you look at the range of vits, mins and other supplements and how we`re bombarded wih`medical breakthroughs`, in the press, and how loath the majority of people are to get into addictive prescription drugs, it`s logical for people to add nutritional supplrment.

    The A.P.A., and The Lancet, regularly post emails to profs., (too much to take in where cross-pathologies are affected)...what was last year`s genuine marvel is this year`s hidden side-effect.

    And centuries of effort and craft have near-perfected techniques for selling almost any belief-system

    When teevee advertising began, the word `new!`, could sell anything..we are now so conditioned....that if someone tells us an unknown is `bad`, we automatically think its` opposite to be `good`.

    This is no apologia...who doesn`t get a `pig in a poke`, at ome time? I have not met such a discerning being!

    Question about Black culture?

    I'm not trolling or trying to stir up controversy. I really want to know the answer to this.

    Why is it that in Black culture, when a man cheats on his wife, she blames the other woman rather than blaming her husband?

    This boggles my mind. I just don't understand it at all.

    When my ex-husband cheated on me, I didn't blame his girlfriend - she thought he was single and had no kids. Now he has 3 children from 3 different women, and he is still cruising online for new women and still saying he's single with no kids or exes.

    He's still a total douche-bag, and his women, although fairly dumb, are still not to blame.Question about Black culture?
    CAUSE ITS DEY FAULT FO GETTIN US ALL EXCITED. we black man aint gonna be controlling ourselfes when we be all excited, and its da triflin hoes fault fo bein all turnin us on and such.
    How would you know this? Have you witnessed something like this first hand, or are you only basing your statement off what you see on tv? If so, then i could say the same exact thing about white people, or any other race for that manner. You see it all the time in soap operas, movies, tv shows, etc. The woman always blames the homewrecker, and i always question why she doesn't blame her husband instead. But it's not just a "black culture" thing. I think it's portrayed that way throughout society throughout any race. Why? Who knows.Question about Black culture?
    I doubt if you did proper research to form this conclusion about Black culture. So I advise that you rethink you're experiment and do it over. This time you should take a survey from Black women in a certain area and ask them who would they blame if their husband cheated on them. Then you would be closer to having some actual facts then stating an opinion based on the little experience you claim to have.
    cause of jealousy...

    they think that their husbands will be with the mistresses, after they dumped the husbands... and they will end up alone.

    So that is why they are fighting the mistress.... so that they won't be alone and to keep their husbands, believe that their husbands won't cheat on them anymore.

    Who wants to be alone with kids?Question about Black culture?
    oh right you racist WhItey.

    Black ppl don't cheat. we love eachother unlike the white man and woman who show more love to the family dog then their own children. black ppl don't blame anybody.
    "black culture" ?

    That would be a good idea.

    Rap/hip hop and things involving a ball is NOT a culture.
    Question about black culture... they don't have one, we took it away from them.
    It's not just black culture.
    do blacks even have culture?
    is your xhusband Black?

    Long distance relationship?


    I met a girl online a 8 hour drive away from me, but travel is impossible right now. We never get bored of eachother, and chat for more than 5 hours a day. We really enjoy it too, the time just flies. Im really happy :) We both try to spice things up, we send voice messages to eachother, goofy pictures, watch videos all day, anything interesting.

    The problem is.. I'd really like to "step it up" a little more. She has a webcam and a cell phone , but refuses to use them. Whenever we chat Im on my webcam, but Id kill to see her "Real time". The reason she refuses to talk via phone boggles me... We've talked about it before and feels that its me just making her prove herself... Im not too sure what that means.

    I'd really like to convince her to talk to me on the phone... suggestions?Long distance relationship?

    Can you tell me why a guy asks to hang out VERRRY soon and then never calls or responds about it?

    Okay so an old co worker of mine and I got in contact again and he said he wanted to hang out very soon. He was happy we were talking and wished we never lost contact. So the conversation was spoken online and we left it by saying that we'll talk in a few days and make plans. I sent him a text a few days later asking how he was doing and how his weekend was. No response. Then I emailed him a few days after that asking if he wanted to hang out on a specific day, because he made it a point that I should let him know when I'm available since he wanted to see me at any time. I didn't get a response but I know he read it.

    I really don't understand what happened. Do you think I should attempt asking him to hang out one more time? It just doesn't make any sense after how he was originally acting about wanting to see me. Any ideas? I am just boggled. Oh and just so you know, this is a completely platonic relationship. Even though I do think he liked me at a time.Can you tell me why a guy asks to hang out VERRRY soon and then never calls or responds about it?
    Well maybe both of the times, he was busy. Or he didn't have his phone with him. Or something came up.

    Maybe you could call him? Talk to him, not leave messages.Can you tell me why a guy asks to hang out VERRRY soon and then never calls or responds about it?
    He's probably not interested in a platonic relationship, so he's blowing you off. His viewpoint may be: Why would I invest in something with little or no return?Can you tell me why a guy asks to hang out VERRRY soon and then never calls or responds about it?
    Sounds to me like he was just talking out of his a**.
    Johnny Cage!
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  • Is Orijen good for a small dog?

    I had my small breed pomeranian on canidae and although I have seen it work miracles for other dogs I am just not satisfied with her coat. So I talked to the girl at the store and she seems to think its the grains that are not agreeing with her. So I bought 2 bags of Orijen the fish and red meat ones then I read online that it sometimes can cause problems in small or inactive breeds. My dog is both. Most reviews are glowing but I am still worried about the select few that have had the same recurring problems with it. I wrote an email to the company to ask if they thought it was appropriate for such a dog but they have not responded to me yet. Is there anyone out there who really knows their stuff? I don't need your average dog owner or even trainer or groomer unless you are using Orijen now or have in the past. I am a dog trainer and know a great deal about the pet food industry but obviously I don't know everything bc this question is boggling me!Is Orijen good for a small dog?
    This is a little like any mediation having to list side-effects (to cover the drug companies' butt). All medications have them (both the intended %26amp; unintended, side-effects).

    While Orijen is a non-grain dog food, it may or may not be - too rich for your dog. No two dogs (even of the same breed) always react the same to each food fed. I think you may just have to try it %26amp; see for yourself. If you want to talk to somebody at the company - you need to call or EMAIL them. Check the bag or the website, FMI.
    The only problem with Orijen for your dog is that it is very high in protein. 46 per cent might cause kidney problems in a small, inactive dog like you have. You might try Wellness 5 Mix. It is very good and it only is 22 per cent protein.Is Orijen good for a small dog?
    I feed my Bichon Orijen and he's just fine. He's little and kind of lazy.

    Why don't you ask your vet's advice though?
    the reason they say that it may not be suitable for small/inactive breeds is because orijin has a very high protein content, and active dogs thrive off of that. Orijin is VERY high quality as you know....however, you have other options if you would feel more comfortable. Have you heard of Wellness Small Breed? It's not grain free but the grains in it are of very high quality and it's specially formulated for small breed dogs.

    Maybe you have heard of it and don't care for it - I don't know, but what I can tell you is that I put MANY of my customers with small breeds on this food and it flies off the shelves and I have heard nothing but great feedback from my customers about the food. It's lower protein too and lower in fat than most of your grain free foods and/or very high quality foods such as Orijin.

    If you're not familiar with Wellness Small Breed, check it out:鈥?/a>

    hope I helped.Is Orijen good for a small dog?
    every dog is different. orijen is high quality. small inactive dogs have done well on orijen. it *is* kibble though. there is processing and chemicals involved, and that's where the problems are, not the protein or grain free. if you want the perfect diet, then you'd need to feed homecooked or raw. but as of now, try the orijen and see how it goes. personally it's not one i'd choose but it's one i'd recommend over most of the other brands out there.

    add: for the 948924th time to Vixen: PROTEIN does NOT cause kidney problems!

    in a dog who *already* has kidneys compromised by disease, high PHOSPHORUS (which is common with high protein) can hurt the kidneys.

    add2: a raw diet can be balanced, if you wanted to learn you can join this group鈥?/a>

    they're very helpful, it's not very hard to understand.

    if you don't trust yourself, feeding half premade raw would be excellent, or feeding Honest Kitchen, which is almost close to dehydrated raw.

    Guitar virtuoso... how to do it?

    So i am 14, and have owned a guitar since i was 10. I have played it seriously (every day) since this time last year and am playing a lot of lead guitar.

    I use a metronome every day, and i also ear-train alot by working out my favourite songs for myself.

    Well where do i go from here? I watch loads of Gilbert, Satriani, Petrucci, Marty Friedman and stuff like that... guitar lessons online.

    Any more real helpful guitar lessons on youtube (don't say shred academy. None of the teachers have any melody to their shred).

    Also am i doing the right thing? i sometimes solo over sogs, but only fast-paced blues soloing like if i play over Whitesnake or stuff.

    and is there a way to learn more theory (i know not every guitar player with a good success knows theory, but Eddie Van Halen, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Satch and more all know it) without boggling my mind? I love pentatonic soloing and the blues scale and i do think i can make a career as a shredder without knowing every other scale there is.

    Advice please?Guitar virtuoso... how to do it?
    yes sir you are doing the right thing, read up on theory as well thts how they got so good, please buy a book about theory you really need to read and understand that if you want to be a truly successful musicianGuitar virtuoso... how to do it?鈥?/a>

    Here you go my friend. Sit, watch, wonder and enjoy. This is the best you will ever see.

    It's by the original virtuoso Mr Ritchie Blackmore.

    I add the link because his style was second to none and he's also very different to all the other guitarists you mentioned that have a tendancy to be pre-dominantly fret shredders as opposed to showing melodic virtuosity, however, they have their moments, but Blackmore made this style of classical and rock his own. You can certainly learn a lot about guitar playing from this man's style.

    Women and (male? female?)ignorance, females kindly explain this to a man?

    1- What is this obsession that some females have with zodiac signs? it makes no sense, there is absolutely no empirical data to suggest that they have any bearing on... anything... ever.

    This is something that has always mystified me , online and in RL.


    2- What is it with females who claim they have no luck with relationships? it's a woman's world and we men live in it. It's like a woman having a break in her house plumbing with a big book of plumbing services, but refusing to even open the book at all.

    That would be annoying enough, but they also COMPLAIN that the plumbing never gets fixed. This is also mind boggling.


    3- What is the problem with women and answering questions?

    I have yet to meet a woman, throughout my entire life, that I can talk 'straight' with, they cannot , for the very life of them, answer questions.

    It's as if they are lacking the capacity to say "Yes", "No" or anything that remotely resembles an answer. This is true for open questions as well|||Hmm, starting to like this Junie person.

    I agree. But, the problem is that there are so many women who wont admit the differences. If they just accepted it, we'd all be happier. They just aren't giving it up and refuse to understand that they are women, not men. I blame the media.


    It's hilarious how few people got the plumbing analogy. Just goes to show ya. Ladies.... it has nothing to do with literal plumbing.

    1) Who cares

    2) Yeah that one always gets me, too. They have the whole world at their fingertips and yet make the wrong choice in men constantly.

    3) I think this one depends on the question. If it's something personal, sure she's going to try and side step the issue in most cases. If it's not personal, she can probably answer it just fine.|||Here's ONE question for you:

    1. Why do you keep generalizing?|||Take it easy much?|||1. I don't know a single woman who believes in the zodiac.

    2. My relationships (with wonderful, nice men) have always been long lasting, and largely happy.

    3. Ask a question. Many women here will be happy to give you a straight answer.|||Zodiac Signs- Me being a lady I know that I like to look at stuff and whether I believe it or not I want to know that I can try to relate what is going on in my life to something.

    Plumbing- Not all women are like that a majority of them are yes but some like me are the ones that if something needs fixed I"m going to fix it darn it.

    Women answering questions- Once again not all women are like that. Some are indecisive causing them to not want to give you the wrong answer so they might say I don't know or I don't care. Some just want to make you happy so they aren't sure how to answer your questions.|||I don't see that anything you've posted has to do specifically with women. There are plenty of men who believe in astrology and who don't take responsibility for their part in relationship problems. There may be a half-truth in saying that men tend to communicate in a more direct way, but there are plenty of men who don't and plenty of women who do. I think that as you go through life and get to know more women, you'll find that you meet plenty who don't believe in astrology, are good relationship partners, and who communicate well, and am sorry that your experience so far leads to the negative generalizations above.|||Well, I don't know what women you've run into, but you ask me a question, I'm going to answer it, even if it the answer hurts. Secondly, you are obviously clueless, because it's not a "woman's world". Yet it's not necessarily a "man's world" either. Grow up. And don't worry, it gets a little easier as you get older, but not much. Also, I don't believe in "fortune" telling business, it's all fake.|||1. I have very little interest in my sign and what it "means" so I really can't tell you.

    2. When I was young it seemed very taboo for the girl to make the move on the guy. We were always told/shown how guys ask girls out. This seems to imply, that if a guy doesn't ask you out, he isn't interested, so why would a girl set herself up to look like a fool? This was my experience at least. I never thought there were no good guys out there though.

    3. I answer lots of questions. Though, I tend to not give just a yes or no to many of them because often times we deal with things that can use more explanation.|||Well the answer is that they can't do anything for themselves.

    They need someone else to either do it for them, tell them what to do or assure them that something is going to happen to their liking.|||Being a female, I beg to differ.

    I always look for instruction manuals or ask for help.

    I dislike astrology and agree that it is meaningless.

    I never read women's' magazines, and I prefer a straight answer.|||lol im a woman and none of these questions relate to me

    1. i dont obsess over zodiac signs im an aries and i leave it at that

    2. i have very good luck with relation ships im in a happy right now

    3. lol and obiously womem dont have problems answering questions if im asnwering this dumb one right now.....

    and wtf i can say yes or no like ''yes'' u r a complete dumd *** for asking this question

    and ''no'' will have no luck in relationships|||1- Its not an obsession, its being open minded to the possibility. I do think people of each zodiac sign share traits that are different from the other signs. Whose to really say it is or is not real? Personally I kinda wonder if this is how God programmed all the individuals on the earth- like developing a program, one needs to create categories.


    2- All men are not alike and鈥? Not all women are alike. It is not a woman鈥檚 world. There are two sexes struggling to belong somewhere and then maintaining it once achieved. As for plumbing, I pay for services and if not done right, I will not pay until it is right.


    3- Nothing. I would love to meet a man that asks questions and actually enjoys my responses.

    I have yet to meet a woman, throughout my entire life, that I can talk 'straight' with, they cannot , for the very life of them, answer questions. ?? This is a rhetorical question, right? You asked questions above and got answers.

    It's as if they are lacking the capacity to say "Yes", "No" or anything that remotely resembles an answer. This is true for open questions as well. Yes, not and okay!|||The "problem" is that they are not men. Is that a clear enough answer for ya? :-)

    1) Astrology is a fun diversion. I think that we bring meaning into it ourselves - if something rings true, you learn about yourself, even if there is no objective basis for it. I try to keep an open mind about it. The phases of the moon affect the tides, after all.

    2) Women value subtlety and indirect communication. This is neither bad nor good. Other women understand this -please note. It is not malicious at all. She assumes, falsely, that you communicate the same way, and understand the same types of communication. (Men do understand subtely, they just don't see why she has to use so much of it, IMO.)

    3) Women are careful to use "soft starters" and other forms of indirect answers. This is to avoid causing offense. They say, "Does it seem hot?" and not "I'm going to open this window". The advantage is politeness. The disadvantage is miscommunication. Again, though, two women talking don't have the problem of miscommunication as much - it's not meant to mislead you or manipulate you.

    She has just been decieved into thinking that men and women simply have different bodies. They have different brains and styles of communication, too.|||1. I just like astrology and think it's fun. I agree it's meaningless as well. I also don't think Monopoly money is real, but I still enjoy playing the game.

    2. I wish you were right about this one, but really, men are just as hard to catch and keep as it is the other way around.

    3. I don't know .. could you restate the question? ;)|||Well Forest Gump, it would serve you well to bark up the correct tree. In life there are many trees in the forest and I'm c'ertain you'll find your tree to pee on. Yes, there are women for very pessimistic men like yourself, woman who don't care if a man is open minded or verbally abusive. Find some common ground with a female of like mind----maybe the military, someone sheltered and of limited humor also. Maybe a street gal, or a gal cop. Maybe a german religious gal. Finicky, picky men need to invest themselves scearching for qualified females.|||1. Plenty of people find interest in Astrology, it's not just a female thing.

    2. Females who complain of such things are the counter-balance to males who complain about not getting laid. The difference is that females have standards. Where a guy would say "None of these chicks want to sleep with me" females would say "None of these guys interest me." ....but It's pretty much the same gripe.

    3. As near as 've been able to figure out, females often ask questions that lead to other questions. Therefore when we ask them a question, they THINK they know where it's going, and try to head us off at the pass. Simple yes or no answers are too... simple. That's why it's a guy thing.|||I don't believe in zodiac signs or luck. It's all about the choices we make. I have the urge to keep going with this answer...maybe I should explain myself in more detail...or qualify my answer somehow...i just don't know...|||I was going to answer your question, but when you started talking about plumbing I got bored and left the room. Are you still here?

    Maybe women don't answer your questions because you drone on and on....

    Yes, that's what your Horoscope says - I just pulled it up. The computer program for Horoscopes got bored writing it out and shut down.

    Oh, are you still here?