Saturday, February 18, 2012

How to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?

Hi, I'm an 18s and i'm very dedicated toward learning and reach my goal. But aside that, I frequently think about sex and masturbate every week. I tried to stop but can't. I am very scared of this trend as it may affect my future. Please help !How to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?It will not affect your future and as long as you keep things in perspective, things will be OKHow to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?
Is not necessary to have sex if you don't want. I mean: if somebody has no sex during his life he won't die. He can live and find other things to do. There's also an asexual community, people who can perfectly live without need for sex. The problem is that you are not one of them. Just respect your needs because are not products of a "perverted mind" but of your own body. Anyway, if you don't want to have sex, then masturbate yourself: seems that you need it even if you think that you don't.

About your question: how to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts, the answer is that you can, but if you oppress your thoughts you may have a good teenage life but probably a difficult adult life (which lasts many more years). If you think that you can, just do it. But if you see that is impossible to expulse those thoughts, just follow them: you won't lose.

All prestigious people use to say that excessive goals are useless: you'll never be able to reach all of them. Let yourself live. With or without sex, but let yourself live: this way you'll have more options to reach your goals.How to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?Listen, its not abnormal to have constant thoughts or urges to masturbate. You do it every week, but some people do it 2 or 3 times a day. Those are the people who have a problem.

Plus, you are 18 and at the point where your body is in a hormonal rage since you can legally have sex. Believe me when i say that your future will not be ruined by masturbation.
That trend you are afraid of is the natural, normal way a good teen life is dude. Not sure where you get this tightbutt concept that guys should not think about sex or have solo sex (masturbate)-- you are a male mammal in your sexual prime and it is quite natural and normal for you to think about sex and want to sexually pleasure yourself. What may affect your future is this really bizarre concept that sex is bad and bad for you. It isn't. billions of guys have proved it otherwise.How to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?Hi, There is no way you, could ruin your learning, and reaching your goals from sex or masturbation. Unless you become obbsessed by it, which isnt likely. I wont affect your future if you didnt, have sex the human race would die out, and god made us to keep it going. As for masturbation it is stimulating, relaxing and very enjoyable it wouldnt feel so good if god hadnt wanted it to. These thing are gifts from god, take advantage of them. Reach hard for your goal but dont under privalidge your self. Dont worry just go for it good luck, and take care.How to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?
It's normal to think about sex. If God didn't make us that way, we would never get married or have children. It's only inappropriate if you start fantasizing about having sex with people.

But how we act on those thoughts is our choice. Just because you think about sex it does not mean that you have to masturbate. As far as it affecting your future, yes it can. It often makes it harder to have a normal sex life with your future wife because you are used to sex being all about self gratification and lust. It can become addictive and gives the false impression of relaxation by affecting your body a lo like drugs. It can take the place of more effective stress coping. It can cause stress by taking up time that you don't have because you gave in to the urge to masturbate.

I too had a hard time quitting. Spend more time on a hobby. Study in public places and hang out with friends. Exercise. The encouragement of a friend is also valuable in quitting. Now that I've quit, I have more time, confidence, and feel more relaxed.
I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. Masturbation is very normal and if you're concerned about Lust then when you masturbate try and concentrate on the feeling you're giving yourself. I think it's noble for you to be concerned about this, but you will think about sex (try not to lust), and you will masturbate. You also may want to check out the following website. to live a good teenage life without masturbation and sex thoughts ?
What you are doing is absolutely OK. Weekly masturbation is actually very rare, most guys do it many times a day :) I can't imagine who told you, that sex and masturbation ruin your future life. If you always think about how to suppress these, then you will be really frustrated and this is what can have a bad effect on your life. You should NOT neglect your sexual life, be it alone or with a woman.:)))
i dont think masturbation and sex will ruin your future i think it will at the least make your future better!

theres nothing wrong with masturbating everyday or week or whatever you do.

theres nothing wrong with sex thoughts its how the male brain works and theres nothing you can do to stop it
how will it affect your future ? every male that i know masturbates and are very successful business men. i started way younger then 18 and i am successful. it is a pleasurable thing to do and relieves a lot of stress. clears your mind and refreshes you. so i see no wrong with you doing it.

How can not having sex or having a good tag not help you reach your goal in your life if you need good reason go to a site about the benefits of sex .
Impossible. It's part of being human. If anything, it'll only make your life more enjoyable, and keep your temperment on an even keel, especially if you are a guy.
impossible. it's nature for teenage boys to constantly think about sex, which often leads to masturbation.
Masturbation and sex are both completely normal and it doesn't take up any time at all. Plus it's healthy. Nuthin to worry about. An I'm not sure how it will affect your future...
play sports!! being around other guys all the time and running around and playing sports will make you too tired to think about sex.
The only way a teen could do this would be to kill themselves. You're normal and it won't affect your future
Its completely normal to have these feelings,
what is life without sex.
there's a reason God made it feel good to touch your penis. don't waste the gift!
thats is not a sin.....thats just part of being a man
your be fine

just keep doin it until ur dick falls off lmfao

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