Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?

My period isn't all that regular so I won't necessarily know when or if I've missed it. (So please don't say "when you miss your period" because that is not helpful.)

I had unprotected sex this morning. How many weeks do I need to wait to test before I could get a positive, and how many weeks before I can trust a negative?How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?Id wait a 2 weeks to a month.

Usually girls ovulate 1-2 weeks after their period and then you would have 2-3 weeks to get you next period. So take a test in 2 weeks to a month in the morning because thats when your HCG levels are higher.How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?
At Least 10 days.How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?7-10 days
possitive may be after14-19 days from intercourse. neg u can trust after your period shows but some women need more time to test positive.How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?I didn't get a positive until 13 days after I ovulated..How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?
If you don't want to be pregnant and had sex this morning I would advise you to get some Plan B immediately! You have a window of time where you can take the pills to prevent pregnancy.
I found out that you can take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after intercourse to see if you're pregnant.How long do you have to wait after having sex for a pregnancy test to be accurate?
2 weeks.

It takes a certain amount of time for the sperm to reach the egg and fertilise it, don't just go by one result. They can be inaccurate, if you get a positive reading on more than one test, go to the doctor. If you get one negative, one positive, go to the doctor, if they're both negative, then you're probably safe.

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