Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?

Hi ! I've been with my boyfriend for 4 1/2 years and we've decided we won't be having intercourse until we get married since we are not ready for a baby. So what we do is have dry sex (dry humping, if you prefer) yet we do it naked. What are the chances of being pregnant if he uses a condom ( with or without spermicide ) ?What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?You are smart for waiting. Im glad to know that some people still have some values. But i dont think you have a chance of getting pregnant but you should always be careful just in caseWhat are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?
I'd say zero chance. I know exactly what you're talking about, and no, it's NOT called "sex.."

For crying out loud, it's rubbing on each other is all...

It'd probably be easier on both of you to try another form of manual stimulation...You know, the kind of thing you "go blind from" and get "hairy palms" from...well, okay, you don't. But you know what I'm talking about.What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?If you are both naked and his penis is rubbing on your vagina, there is a chance that it can leak on your nether regions. If, however, he is wearing a condom (which is a good idea), then I'd say your chances are very slim that you will end up pregnant.
no chance of getting pregnant.. You need to have intercourse to get pregnant. and yet hes still wearing a condom. so there is NOOO chance.What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?If his Penis is not going into your Vagina, it's not sex.

And you cannot get pregnant from it.What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?
Dry humping is with clothes on, naked sex is sex.

I guess your chances are 0
1 in 1,000,000,000,000 unless you do it naked then why dry hump?What are the chances of getting pregnant by dry sex/dry humping ?
theres little chance just make sure he doesnt *** anywere near your vigina
The chances are very high on you getting pregnet

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