Another reason could be that honestly, there are just some things we can't do to ourselves during masturbation, but when other people do it, it feels great! For instance, I love for a man to suck my nipples, rub my thighs, grab by butt or just touch me in certain places that I didn't know he was going for,...when i do it alone, all I can do is touch my self with my one free hand (and that's so not exciting because i always know where that hand's gonna go next) and then i have the hand that's doing the fingering. It's more exciting not knowing what's next, I can't tell where my partner will go next because they have their own mind and I have mine.
I really tried hard to answer this question, lol.Why is sex with a stranger more enjoyable than masturbation?
Many times by paying for a stranger you might end up with someone way above your league and so you not only have a chance to learn something, but to have that dream person you wished you had. When you find out the dream was not as good as your lover at home the price you paid is well worth it.
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Why is sex with a stranger more enjoyable than masturbation?I actually find masturbation to be quite fulfilling. But it lacks the social/love interaction that can come with sex. It also lacks the exploration of the opposite sex. Whether it is paid for or not is kind of immaterial to the question. People often crave sex with the opposite sex.For some men, masturbation is not as satisfying. Especially if they are circumcised and have no loose skin on the shaft. In this case, they have to use lubrication, so masturbating is not as easy nor as convenient. There are also social norms attached to sex versus masturbation. Some people have "hang ups" about masturbation because they've been taught that it is bad and wrong.
I think there would be far fewer rapes in this country if people just jacked it off more.
There is no comparing masturbation with a sexual act with another person. You can brush your own teeth but your have to have someone else clean them. Same idea.
I believe some people have sex with strangers, not to be intimate at all, but to have a no strings attached experience. Sex with a stranger, paid or unpaid, has nothing to do with intimacy, in fact, it is a fantastic way to avoid intimacy and just go for the pure physical pleasure. You get what you want, you walk away and what is done is done.
Some people already have intimacy with a mate but are having some relationship problems where sex is withheld for one reason or another. Having a sexual outlet is a human need for many. So, sex with a stranger is the next best thing. Because if you had sex with someone you knew, others would find out and, well, that would be problematic.
Some people just cannot have a relationship due to personality quirks. So, sex with a stranger is quite all there is to fill their sexual desires.
Then, there is the sexual addict or the sexual ego to fulfill. These people just have to have it and look for strangers to fulfill their next fix.
So, sexual pleasure is not a clear cut, masturbation vs live sex.Why is sex with a stranger more enjoyable than masturbation?I think allot of the posts are correct in stating that, people find emotional satisfaction from; say hiring a prostitute. Its the same reason why you can go buy a hooker off the street for 20 bucks. While their are programs people pay thousands of dollars for a girl to entertain them for a week or two but, it will actually cost them more for the girl to do little things like kiss and cuddle.Why is sex with a stranger more enjoyable than masturbation?
Dude. How many people have you had sex with? No very many if any at all by the way you ask your question.
If you think sex is exclusively about physical pushing and pulling of the flesh then I feel sorry for you. You are missing the most important part of why people have sex.
The funny thing is that my sister-in-law made exactly the opposite observation you did. For her it was all about the emotional effect of sex. Why do people have sex when there is no emotional feeling between them?
Sex isn't just about the physical or emotional. It is sometime both. There is nothing quite like having another person doing it with you. Even if that person is temporary. Myself, I would rather have sex with a total stranger each and everyday instead of having sex with Rosy Palm.
We as human sometimes need the emotional and physical part of having sex. Masturbation is fine when needed but everyone needs another person to interact with when doing it.
Only someone who is shallow and vain would think that sex is nothing but the pushing and pulling of the flesh or the emotional effort put out by the act of having sex. We need both and if you have any skill or care in anyway at all, you would always make sure that the emotional and physical need of your partners are met. Even if you were paid for it.
Lol... just thought of something. I wonder if the pros that you paid to have sex with you would moan and tell you things that would make you puff up your chest in satisfaction. "Wow, you are so big!" ROFLOL! The funny thing is that I am sure that they are because at least they are being honest about the physical and emotional part of it even if they don't practice it.
Someone told me once that a second class shag is better than a first class ****...
I don't think sex has to be a beautifully emotional experience but not do I think its healthy for it to be casual... but sex with someone that you have some regard for but aren't neccessarily in love with or intend to have a long term relationship with is a lot better than wankind yourself alone in your room.Why is sex with a stranger more enjoyable than masturbation?
sex with a real person is way more enjoyable than get the foreplay ect. also i think it is more desirable than masturbation as paying for sex there is no strings attached to put it simply lash and dash! lol... also if paying for sex i suppose men can get and ask for what they want as they are paying customers afterall :)
I guess they feel there is a little more emotion involved. Sure feels great having someone else even just stroking it, just gives it that X factor that you never get yourself.
Edit: Yes I agree another answer it's also the physical contact with another person.
Thanks for answering my question, so out of decency, I will try to answer yours. I don't really know why people would do that, but do we know why people have mental illnesses? What creates all the creeps in the world? I do know where that "fad" originated from though. Try looking up General Joseph Hooker (1814-1849).
Maybe paying for sex makes them feel ownership/power over someone else, or they think guarantees pleasure..... %26gt; with masturbation, *one works to reach pleasure alone... with paid sex *one work less to reach pleasure having someone else (an assistant)......HOPE THIS HELPS!
Masturbation is awesome when you got some no one knows themself better then themself. People get tired of masturbation though. I would never pay for a prostitute but would hook up desperately with friends friend or something to get my fix after masturbating for months.
Hmm interesting question. Well some people go years without having sex and they get tired of having sex with themselves. They crave that human connection and instead of going out and making a commitment in a relationship they want sex the quick and easy way.
There's a specific sort of loneliness, usually... Or a specific fetish... Or some other set of circumstances that require another person.
These people do not HAVE another person who could be a sex partner, so they hire someone.
Because we are social creatures and humanity is not meant to be alone. Physical contact with another human being is way more comforting than solo activity. Sharing intimacy with another individual is naturally more fulfilling.
Sex is MUCH more enjoyable than masturbation so if you don't have a gf that's what you do. Although I keep a gf so I don't need to pay which according to the first answer is 'pathetic'
i am completely oblivious.
well,other than the fact that maybe they want to feel pleassured by someone else, not themselves.
very pathetic.
You know when you get a foot massage?
You can sit down and massage your own feet. But it feels SO good when someone else massages your feet for you.
Sex is more pleasurable and sometimes your hand, fingers or toys just don't do it.
Sex with a stranger probably makes this person feel risky of rebel like, as stupid as they are.
Theirs more physical involvement, touching what not
Its just more FUN. Having sex with another person. But having to pay for it, it better bet worth it.
You can pay for it?!?!?Can't wait till payday!
Because someone is doing the dirty work for you ^_~
maybe they don't know how to masterbate that well.
...for the same reason rubbing your own shoulders isn't as nice as having someone give you a back rub
because they want to try new people everyday and they get tired of the same old people they have sex with
both r enjoyable
That is a really good question..
maybe they just want the real deal.
masturbation isnt as good as sex altho i agree it is pathetic to pay for it
Both are what you make them.
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