Chlamydia is a very common STD in the 18-24 age group. Also, it is fairly easy to contract. The good news is that Chlamydia is treatable with antibiotics and if treated early on poses no real health threats. So, definitiely go and get tested as soon as you can! Sometimes if you explain that you had unprotected sex with someone who you know to have an STD, they will give you a prescription the day you come in insteead of waiting for your results to come back. And it might not be a bad idea to be tested for other STDs at that time as well...What are the chances of catching Chlamydia from unprotected sex?Rather than concern yourself with statistical probabilities, you need to head to the nearest clinic or doctor's office and get yourself tested. The test is very simple (usually just a urine sample) and the treatment is a dose of antibiotics (only certain ones work).
Symptoms only show in about half the cases for men, and (rarely) it can spread and cause sterility. Don't worry about the possibility that you have it, find out for sure.What are the chances of catching Chlamydia from unprotected sex?
Well id say tthier is a chance, and chlamydia is the most common std in the US so...go get checkedWhat are the chances of catching Chlamydia from unprotected sex?Its a pretty common STD, I'd get checked next time you see the doctor.
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