Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?

I've seen so many girls on here asking "could I be pregnant", "can you get pregnant if...".

I just don't understand why there are sex ed programs starting in 6th-7th grade and girls do not understand that anytime you have sexual intercourse no matter what there is always a possibility. Does anyone else find this crazy?What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?Sex Ed teaches abstinence. That's it.

So they aren't being offered the education that they need to understand safe sex.

They don't learn about STDs, they don't learn about protection, they don't learn about pregnancy and child development and they certainly don't learn about where to find protection for free.

This is why teens think you can't get an STD from oral sex.

It is crazy, because our school systems think that if they ignore it, that kids won't have sex.

I think we should abolish abstinence only Sex Education. I believe kids should be taught BOTH... abstinence AND safe sex practices. So they can make the right decisions for themselves.

*I think it's hilarious that they think that if they pass out condoms, it's encouraging them to have sex. They'll have sex anyway. At least make it safe!

Edit: Forgot to put this part in.

I am 22. My formal school sex education came during health class my 7th grade year at the age of 12. A class the PE department put us in because it was too cold to go outside and make us run.

This is what we got:

"We teach abstinence. Don't have sex. "

That is the exact phrase that came from my teacher, and it was never mentioned again in the course of my public education.

Good thing for the internet... that's where I got MY sex education. Thank God for WebMD.What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?
I agree it needs to be informative... but try to convince law-makers of that.

People don't want their babies having sex, and they think that by ignoring the problem, it will just go away.

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What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?I don't agree with the best answer. In grade 7 I was taught about STI's. The health nurse also showed us a condom and told us the abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy and STI's but also said that if you are going to be sexually active that condoms are the best thing.

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I agree, Im in highschool and Im proud to say im a virgin, I really could care less, and the girls who do that sort of thing are usually the popular girl who talks during the sex ed classWhat are sex ed classes teaching our kids?You should know exactly what's being taught in the classes for your children. If they aren't bringing the books home, you could ask for them.

In our school division, family life classes start at Grade One, and the information just gets added to each year. The parent book always comes home a few weeks before the classes start, and we can have a copy of the student book as well -- so we'll be prepared for what's upcoming.

Besides all that, PARENTS are the ones responsible for doing the bulk of the talking and giving information to their children; shouldn't leave all of it to the school to do!What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?
I always wondered this too. Here you've paying into the system for at least 30 years to teach your kids about sex and all the problems, causes, AIDS, everything they need to know if they ever decide to go crazy, yet they haven't got a clue whether they are pregnant or not. Boggles the mind to what, they are teaching and where your money is going. Because it sure isn't going where it was supposed to go. What is really bad is when you get 20 and 30 year olds asking the same things?
what parents are too embarressed to tell their kids came home and told me that they had to learn how to put a condom on a banana.was i shocked,well yes at first but then i considered the lesson being taught in sex ed.would you want to show your child at 11 or 12?i'm glad in a way that this course is actually teaching our children at such a young age.they know i will answer any question they have about sex especially when it comes to pre teen or teen the saying goes,children learn better about sex from their friends than from their parents.What are sex ed classes teaching our kids?
I find it retarded and ridiculous. It's obvious that they're not paying attention in those classes.
I know, but its not just the Sex Ed classes, its the parents too. Kids don't really pay attention in these classes, therefore its just a waste of a good program. I think the parents should really step it up and talk to their kids at younger ages, really get it into them more to say.
IF they are like they were when I was in school absoletly nothing except don't have sex...abstinence only is not a good policy to have. Pregnancy STD's and AIDS and ways to prevent them need to be discussed.
Hey, try this.... Talk to your kids about sex, don't leave it up to the school system..... It's called being a good parent, you should try it sometime.
i know....
it showed us a girl giving birth

like the vaginaa too

its so gross

everyone thinks they are showing us porn

kids have sex in 5th grade so they want them to be safe
I do, either one they don't pay attention or two(which i think is more likely) is that a bunch of friends (kids) are together and they think its sooo funy to be asking stupid questions like that..i know ive seen some pretty darn stupid sh** and its just soo obnoxious because there are serious people on here trying to askin serious questions and they are be annoying..
yes totaly pointless you are 100% right


Ryan Dior
I agree! I also think parents should be the main source of sex ed for their children, especially since schools apparently aren't doing an effective job. But I guess it's just easier to let the teachers handle it. And another seems that nobody wants to teach abstinence, only "safe sex". Hello! Any sex can get you pregnant or give you a disease.
ha! i just finished learning sex ed last year and i understand everything. the only girls that dont understand are the ones that are still immature with no boobs yet. and they just want the thrill to see how many people actually answer their questions.
Behold the success of Bush's sex ed agenda: abstinence-only teaching.
I think part of the problem is that sex ed isn't taught straight -forward enough. They have to tip-tow around the hard facts and many schools don't teach ANYTHING about birth control....only the biological facts about anatomy and reproduction.

That.... and there are a lot of stupid people out there.

The endless cycle of "could I be pregnant" questions on YA drives me to the edge sometimes. And sometimes I just can't stop myself from delivering insulting answers to the questioner.
well, i was in a high school class 2 years ago, and they dont teach u much. u basically learn from friends and experimenting
Yes it's ridiculous that, apparently not only sex ed but parents too, have not educated their kids about this.
Most places do not even have the classes . Many that do only teach abstinence and others do not give kids more information than the dry facts. Few are open and honest.
They waste time "teaching" in sex ed. They don't teach HOW you get pregnant beyond the "semen carries sperm...down these tubes.." Its crazy. I was only in sex ED two years ago. They focused too much on anatomy.
yes, it is ridiculous. sex ed should be CLEAR on issues like that, but ...

Maybe these are the kids that did not pay attention at class.
very crazy!!
yes i mean duhhh they tough us dat in like 7th grade i mean who dosent know dat to me datz crazy i agree whit u some girls just dont pay attention suckx for them
How to properly have sex.
As stupid and annoying as those questions are, the girls are scared and want someone to reassure them. Just ignore the questions that have that title.
how to successfuly achieve an orgasm

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