The problem is if the god(s) of their choice choose to observe. Marriage to many has a specific religious meaning to it. That's why many people have such a fit when the subject comes up. If they were to call the union of same-sex couples "marriage," then when a church says they refuse to wed them, it would be discrimination. Besides, they invented marriage, let them define it however they want.
The problem is this invention of marriage then began to grant benefits to these wed people on a governmental level. If the government applied the separation of church and state better, there would have always existed the two distinct unions (marriage and civil union). Civil unions for everything but the church, and then marriage for the church. You can get unified in the eyes of the government with civil unions and/or get married to be accepted as a unit by the church (this being a completely separate act/ceremony).
Once same-sex partners can union on a federal level, the problem ought not be whether they can get married, rather can opposite-sex couples get civil unions? why must a religious influence be placed upon them when most likely they're going to bring down the sanctity of marriage themselves?
What is the difference between civil unions and same sex marriage?
The right to marry is not just about the actual legal ceremony, but an equal right to the extensive list of legal protections awarded to married couples. These range from tax relief to medical decision making. See the Truth at:
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What is the difference between civil unions and same sex marriage?Partners do not receive Social Security or any other government benefits in case of death. In the case of the death of former Congressman Gerry Studds, his partner of 15 years was denied the government pension that would have gone to a legally recognized spouseDeath Benefits:Report Abuse
What is the difference between civil unions and same sex marriage?Actually, there are number of very important differences:
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What is the difference between civil unions and same sex marriage? The difference is probably that the bigots and religious zealots don't know about civil unions. I'm sure that would change too if they could get their way. A lot of lies were told in this campaign. Teachers would teach about gay marriage in school. Bullshit, I'm a high school teacher with 25 years experience and not once have I heard anybody teach about marriage. Most of the coastal counties in California voted no on prop eight while the farther inland you got, the more yeses the initiative received. Southern Cal was one of the total worst areas or somewhere close. WHO REALLY CARES, LEAVE THIS GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS ALONE. PEACE OUTWhat is the difference between civil unions and same sex marriage?A marriage is recognized by the church of the couple. A civil union is recognized by the state. Yes, the same rights apply.
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