Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are your opinions on teens having sex?

I would just like to know what the general public feels about this topic. Here are some things to ponder: Are young teens (age 13-15) morally and emotionally stable enough for sex? Should older teens (16-18) be ready for sex and the consequences it brings? Why do you think so many adolescents have sex before they are adults %26amp; why not wait til marriage?What are your opinions on teens having sex?I think that it really depends on the person and their life experiences. I lost my virginity when I was 14 and I have never regretted it (I'm now 19, and have had 5 partners %26amp; 5 and a half years of experience with relationships and sex). I was responsible enough to use protection, wait until I was in a monogamous relationship, and have been tested for HIV/STDs in between partners ever since (and not once contracted anything). I still wait until I am in a committed relationship before engaging in sex. Those are just my morals, and they always have been. I wasn't raised in a very religious family and haven't any interest in religion, so the only people telling me to wait until marriage were other religious teens or school officials. I didn't trust either of them with my morals and I decided for myself instead. Also, even though I'm always conscious to use protection (I now have a hormonal IUD, which is the most effective form of birth control other than abstinence) I was able to have a conversation with my partner about the possibility of pregnancy, what our options were and what we were comfortable with. I was also able to talk to my parents about sex, birth control, and the possibility of pregnancy. They knew I was responsible, trusted me, and were willing to support me in any decision I made if I happened to be one of the 1% of faithful birth control users who end up pregnant any way. Bringing sexual activity into relationships brings a new level of trust, responsibility, and vulnerability. Sometimes you get hurt... that's life, and it makes you stronger, but you have to understand it is a possibility. I'm glad I have had the experiences that I did, and I'm glad I had (and still have) the chance to explore my sexuality. It has made me more comfortable in my relationships and has given me the experience of dealing with sexual barriers and vulnerabilities so that I know how to approach those things in my current and future relationships.

However, I will say that I consider myself to be the exception and not the rule. At 19, I know a lot of people both a few years older and younger than me who really shouldn't be having sex. They don't approach the topic of potential pregnancy, they aren't careful or choosy about their partners, they don't always use birth control, have never been tested, and just don't seem to care about those things! I don't think it is your age that counts, it is your maturity, your relationship, and your general level of preparedness for ALL of the consequences of sex.

Also, as I've said, without religion there are plenty of reasons to wait for a committed relationship but few that seem good enough to justify waiting for marriage. This world is not as religious as it used to be. I think that most people choose not to wait until marriage because we live in a society that is postponing marriage further and further. A college education wasn't always necessary, and now it is almost a requirement if you want to do well financially! Not only that, but more and more jobs are requiring graduate degrees, and people are postponing marriage until they have their foot in the doorway career-wise. This way, they can be sure that they are financially stable. Also, what if you get into your career and have not met someone you want to settle down with? Some people just aren't as lucky in love. As you mature, your relationships grow more serious and tend to last longer. It seems a little much to ask someone who won't marry until they are 30 to hold off on having sex until they are that age when we have so many forms of contraception available.

Sorry that was such a long reply!What are your opinions on teens having sex?
u r soooooooo retaded dont u now the consiquences foe sex idiot:)

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What are your opinions on teens having sex?Honestly if anyone below 16 is having sex they are making a TERRIBLE choice and, frankly, I blame their parents in some ways.

16-18 I would, generally, say is a poor choice but there are some who are ready for the responsibility that sex requires.

Why do they have sex?

1. Hormones. Everything in their body is telling them it's a good idea.

2. Loneliness. So many people feel isolated from their families. They go looking for love/acceptance in all the wrong places.

3. Boredom. Speaks for itself really.

4. Love. Yes, teens can be in love.

Waiting for marriage is (usually) a religious thing. It isn't required and I don't encourage people to wait until marriage. I encourage people to wait until they are in love and in a long term relationship.
Under 15, too young and may not be adequately physically developed. Older teens- ok as long as they understand what they are doing and take necessary precautions including the use of condoms.

Not sure what consequences you are talking about, just a sex act, and as long as the girl does not get injured during the sex act or becomes pregnant, there are no lasting effects for either the male or female other than their knowledge of the experience. I think everyone should have sex before marriage, so they will know what sex is like. Waiting until marriage is such a waste of good times.What are your opinions on teens having sex?Because Lust, Love, and Passion are powerful emotions. As far as realizing the consequences of sex it takes the ability to use their intelligence over their emotions. So the older they get the more intelligent they get, but Lust, Love, and Passion are powerful emotions. This begins at the dawn of puberty 11-14 years old, so when you say 13-15 I can see why emotionally, but not intelligently. Peace.What are your opinions on teens having sex?
i dont think teens of any age shud be having sex bc of the consequences and having to deal with it emotionally. i think they do it because they want to be secure already and ofcourse the pressure from th e world in hooking up, also everything in the world plays sex so lightly except church ofcourse and so i think more teens think its alryt to hook upp with there significant other in the relationship for the time being in which it probably last under 6 months if tht. but theres also hormones... thats a big part and alcohol which can lead u to do stupid things. this is just wat i think i am a teen and have never had sex or done rlly stupid things and i do want to save myself for marraige but i still know how a teen mind works.
Less than 25% of 15-year-olds have had sex. So younger teens don't have sex nearly as much as people think they do.

Anyway, it depends on the person. Most teens aren't ready to care for a child, so I believe that if you're going to have sex as a teenager, then you should be completely sure you're ready and use protection. You should also both get tested for STDs.

Reasons teens have sex:

*They were bored.

*They were drunk.

*They're in love and felt they were ready. I do believe it's possible for teenagers to be in love, but just being in love doesn't necessarily justify sex.

*They were afraid their boyfriend/girlfriend would leave them if they didn't.

*They wanted to feel loved.

*They wanted to get pregnant because they thought a baby would make them feel loved.

I don't believe that teenagers have sex just because of the media or something like that--give them some credit, they're not that stupid.

*Some teenagers get pregnant because they were raped.

There are many others reasons not named here. Each individual's story is different. Don't be so quick to judge!

:-)What are your opinions on teens having sex?
i think that 13 to 16 yr old shouldn't have sex until they are old enough to commit thereselfs to someone but even though there commited if she got pregnant he might leave so id wait a few more years

if your realtionship doesn't grow and your unable to stay in it

get out of it and look into going to college

but the older you get the more responsible you'd be im not sure guys get mature though
1: Absolutely not

2: No, some are and some aren't

3: Being a teenager is about testing boundaries and trying new things, Teenagers are naturally curious about what adults do and there's nothing anybody can do about that but gee I wish they wouldn't rush in to things with such potentially major consequences like sex.
because of disney channel and similar stations, pushing the whole "having a bf/gf is the most important thing ever" concept. and thats what kids grow up learning from, look at miley cyrus, thats what young girls have for role models? yeah, our country is screwed, were gonna be overrun by 15 year old moms and underdeveloped kids. The movie idiocracy isnt too far off from how the world will really be in the future.
I don't no why, but they should not be having sex until they consider the the risks, as for me i am just having sex when i am married, so i don't end up pregnant or with an STI/STD, and i want to do it, i will do it with someone i love, and really no, before we get into that kind of stuff.
A lot just dont want to wait, they think its lame and will get made fun of.

personally i dont want to wait, and dont think im ready. i really dont feel like something going wrong and getting pregnate. (16 years old here.)

i know i wont wait til marriage but i will wait till i have a boyfriend i atleast care about enough to have sex with. and will be safe.
when ur 13-15 years old your just not ready. back then when i was 15 i thought i was ready ..thank god i didnt loose it to that guy. i lost it when i was 17 and because my mentality was more advanced at that point..i was able to seperate sex from feelings and not let it ruin my whole world ..when me and the guy broke up..its a matter of your maturity and emotional level of understanding about things. im 18 now and i dont regret having sex @ a young age. but not everyone is me each its own!
It's going to happen. I think that if your 15 and older, who should stop you? It may be inappropriate and everything but it's your choice. waiting til marriage is dumb and archaic, seriously you will miss out on so much just to give your virginity away to the certain guy.
at what age are you ready to be a parent? because that is what happens when you have sex with someone you know the only safe birth control is not having sex. I think what ever you do and what ever age you are you should live up to the consequences of your actions.
No that is why we have too many unwanted pregnancies and as family guy says a prom night dumpster baby!!!


because most children say there religus but there not...

also i wanted to say doggy style


and I blame the media
1. No

2. No

95% are too stupid
sex is bad. lmao. (for teenagers). the end:)

plz help me? =);鈥?/a>
I don't really care. That's on them, not me.

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