Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do you view your partner's previous sex experience with others?

Why do women generally feel more sore and resentful upon discovering that their partners have had at least 1 other sexual experience while on the CONTRARY, men on the whole are pretty receptive to the idea that it is ok for their partners to have previous sexual experience with other men?

Why do men appear to be more accepting than women? Is it the truth that most men REALLY don't mind?

How do men really feel towards their partners' sex history with other men? Don't the idea of thinking about it irk you and thus cause resentment (even though you might say this is the 21st century)? Men, please share your thoguhts.

What about the ladies? How do you accept such things?How do you view your partner's previous sex experience with others?Interesting question. Maybe I am an unusual case, but I personally have always hated the thought of my partners being with someone else in the past and I think most men feel that way too that I know.

Really, I think it depends on the depth of the love between the people involved. From my experience, I've been partnered with girls in a non-romantic way, and I've been cool with whatever they did in the past, but I've been with girls that I've really, truly loved very deeply and I would have to do my best to not think about them with someone else or else it would really upset me.

My reason for being upset about that (but you know, when you love someone you just have to do your best to let it go) is that having sex with someone you love is really an amazing thing, and the thought of her sharing that moment with someone else is bothersome.

However, most of the women I know openly seem less resentful towards their men regarding their past sexual experiences, but below the surface it is obvious that it bothers them in the same way as I described above.

Hope that helped.
well, for me its like this....

I dont really mind about my husband's previous sexual experience(s)... I think the cause for it is that I didnt know him at the time. If I knew him back then... Im not sure how it would affect me...

Im saying so because... see there was this guy who asked me out.. and he was so brutally honest with me... So I knew about his sexual life very well.. the many partners he had, the one night stands and all his relationships. One reason (amongst others) that (I think) I rejected this guy was because I knew about his other affairs with women.

It might have been bcoz I was insecure at the time.... see he was a guy with a lot of experience and I was not... so i kinda forecasted problems had we got in to a relationship.

On the contrary...with my husband I did not feel that kinda insecurity bcoz he has not had that many sexual encounters and affairs before meeting me.

So thats what I think happened. Hope this helps!
My man was more upset about my previous relationships than I was about his. I think that was a bit rich considering he was with 5 times the amount I people I was with.

Thats not to say I wasn't hurt. In the sceme of things it is almost like 'well am I just another pump and dump, with no feelings invilved' because I don't think it is possible to have a true emotional connection with that many people.

And then there is the worry of STD's.

In the end you just get over it, you have to if you want to stay with the person. And never bring it up again....
What happened yesterday before she was in my life belongs to yesterday. Tomorrow never comes. All we have is the here and now. What little time together is far more important for it might be gone before you know it.
My husband's past is just that...his PAST. Any sexual encounters he's had are just that much more beneficial to me as the 'receiver' of all his experience! Likewise, my past has no bearing on our relationship for him. We were not kids when we met, and neither had expectations of virginity.

I think that any conversations regarding past sexual experiences can only harm an otherwise good relationship...nothing good can be gained, but much unpleasantness can, perhaps, be found. So why would you do that to yourself or your partner?
I accept it because:

1. I didn't know him in that life time

2. His sex life memoirs belongs to him and whom ever he had sex with.

3. It's the past, over and done with.

4. His past sexual encounters or experience had NOTHING to do with me.

Therefore, what I have now is what both, he and I, will always remember. Good, bad or indifference. So, no matter if I become another Woman in his past, at least I can say, he will always fall back on the memory of what was and pull out our memories that he burried amongst the rubbles, of his past. But for now? We will move forward and continue to make more memories that he and I can share.

Past sex lives are irrelevant, it's what happens NOW that matters. But, that's just Me.
I'm the only one my husband's ever been with...however, he had been engaged before.

Here's the fun part--he'd even bought a wedding dress for her. She'd never even tried it on. Guess who got to wear it--? LOL

(Saved some money!)
My bf and I are pretty open about these things. Not so open that we always discuss who and the gory details.

I don't want to think about him and any other woman than me, even if it was years ago. He is the same. If i mention that my now male friend that called my cell used to be a lover he cringes. Not because he doesn't trust me but because it makes him jealous and makes him want to kill the guy for using me for sex. I don't always tell him about past lovers but sometimes he wants to know.

We both wouldn't be the passionate lovers we are (and all the more so together) if we didn't have a past with others and we accept the experience as a bonus.
I'm not resentful. My boyfriend has a very colorful past, and it made him the awesome lover he is now.
if my partner has had previous lovers, she must be with me because i am better than they were.
The past is the past, and, with regard to prior sexual partners, one of those things better left unshared.
Disgusting. I will make sure I marry a virgin or someone who did not sleep around too much with STD's and diseases.... will try since the country I come from most men are not very exp. But not someone very experienced. I am not exp so I expect someone the same or someone who is got the mindset to be decent enough.
Hey, I think that if a woman has had prior sexual experience with other men, that is okay with me, provided that she enjoyed it and hopefully maybe she can teach me something!
In our India this thing may even break the

marriage, if spouse knows his/her partners

previous sex experience. we've to make it a top

secret all our life...
I suppose you really couldn't view the sexual experiences unless someone took a picture, or recorded it. If you were to come across a picture or video, I guess you could view it with others, but I would advise against this.
Actually I am a guy, and I am not really that accepting of my partner's past sexual experiences. I have a rule for my girlfriends not to tell me about there past, I get too worked up over it.
I prefer men with a sexual history as being someone's first has never been an appealing thought. I don't even mind if they feel the need to give me every single detail about every adventure they've ever taken. The way I look at it, if you truly love someone, you want to know whatever they deem important about themselves and hearing about both good and bad sexual experiences allows you to become a much better lover.

I've also been lucky enough to never have an issue with lovers of mine taking offense at my history. I won't give details, because I think some things should belong only to the people who did them, but I don't mind admitting when I've done something and if I liked it or not.

When you love someone, you accept everything that they are. The experiences they had in the past helped create who they are today. Worry about their future, and let the past stay in yesterday.
I don't 'view' it. It is not on video! The trouble with being both mature and open minded is that every now and then You just want to give out a big belly laugh and say, "Grow up and start acting like an adult". That is what You should be telling people who worry about such things.
As a blessing.
It wouldn't matter to me, as long as he didn't knock her up or give her an itch. (This, of course, requires using protection.) One or two girls is fine, but if he was widely known as the male Paris Hilton, I would be more averse to the idea of sleeping with him.
It would not bother me to know that there were women before me. I would go with my feelings for him.

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