Okay, of course im not an idiot, i know there is a baby.But for exampe, if someone said "She did a dumb thing by having a baby as a teen..." but they wouldnt say anything about the girl who didnt get pregnant but was doing the same things...Its kinda hard to explain though but pretty much if you have a baby as a teen your stupid but if you just have sex/get an abortion then your smart?Wtf?Can someone explain that to me?Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?THANK YOU!
I was friend with this girl in middle school, who had like two or three abortions (and had sex with like seven guys) at fourteen and she said a bunch of **** about this other girl who was fifteen and had two kids. It's BS
I hate when people scold pregnant teens for having sex and say nothing to teens who have sex and don't get pregnant. Just because a pregnant teen has an obvious sign of their deed(s), it makes it more of a sin or a wrong (or whatever you wanna call it)?
Besides, why scold a pregnant teen about sex anyway? The deed is already done.
Some people are just stupid.Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?
Neither options are smart. I would say it is about making better decisions per each individual. Why would a teenager decide to have unprotected sex? Why would a teenager have an abortion? These questions are on a case-by-case basis and I do not think any teenager is ready to be a Mom. However, for bible beaters they would say do not take a life but to have the baby. Who would have a baby that they cannot take care of properly? It is all based on morals and what you believe.Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?Well, I fell pregnant as a teen (while using contraception, by the way) and had an abortion, and I still think that teenagers who keep their pregnancies are doing stupid things.
The difference is just what you said - now there's a baby. That's a HUGE difference! This problem isn't about teenagers having sex. It's about teenagers producing babies.
Most teenagers are NOT ready to become parents at all. And they shouldn't have to. There's a reason that the norm in society is to go in order of finishing school, getting a good job and/or going to college, finding a good partner, getting married, getting a home of your own, THEN having kids. Because this is usually the best scenario for raising children, and it's the smartest way to do things.
I see abortion as a very mature and responsible decision, especially for teenagers. If a person is not fit to have a kid, they shouldn't have one. That's all there is to it.
I don't know who would say this! Either way getting pregnant as a teen is not a really good thing..only because your soo young. It does not matter if you keep it or abroad it..you still are/were pregnant!
Assuming your pregnant? There are other options if you choose you cant do it-as baby's are A LOT of work! Not only are you still in school-who will watch the baby? You will need to find a job-who will watch the baby? Can you provide things that you need right away for baby to come home..diapers, wipes, bathing stuff, car seat, clothes, crib etc.?
Things you can do:
1-keep it
2-abroad it (i don't believe in this..but its your choice)
3-adoption (open-where you can see the child, or closed-where you dont)
If you decided to keep it there is tons of government help you can get. Housing, Food, Insurance etc
Good luck-and think before you react!Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?I had my son the end of my senior year of high school. I hardly know any people in my senior class that are still virgins. Obviously there is protection out there, but it isn't 100%. Sex is intended to make babies. Every once in a while with all these young people having sex, someone is going to get pregnant. Every time i got a look from them, i wanted to ask them if they are a virgin, because if the answer is no, they could very well be in the same situation as i am. Either way, yes i had sex, yes i had a baby. In my opinion, my son is way better than sex. He is perfect in every way, and he has wonderful parents=], wonderful grandparents, and wonderful uncles and aunts. He is well taken care of and me and my fiance work hard. What is so wrong about that?Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?
i would say its stupid all round to have unprotected sex if you dont wish to have a baby.
some girls might sleep with many different guy many times and not get pregnant but some girls do it just once and they end up with a babby.
the spudity comes in the act rather that what they do when they are pregnant.
abortion is a very sensative subject and everyone has there own opinions on it.
whether a teen decides to have an abortion or not is up to them.
but i would say if u dont want a baby, and dont believe in abortion then you would be really stupid to have sex without protection.
the smartest girl are those who use protection and sleep with people they can trust.
but overall any girl who has unprotected sex and doesnt want a child is being very stupid in my opinion
I kind of know what you mean...I think people think that when teens have sex and get pregnant they call them stupid for throwing away their lives so young by having a child so young and if they have sex and get pregnant and abort, then they are smart for not "ruining" as they say, their lives so young. I think that's what they mean...
My thought is always, do the crime, pay the time. If you want to fool around with sex and not use protection and get pregnant, then deal with it. I think abortion is used too much like a contraceptive these days.
Well that's my 2cents.Whats the difference between having a baby and having sex as a teenager?
No, no. If a teen is having sex without protection or contraceptives then she is perceived as "stupid" and uneducated. With the continuation of this reckless behavior she is likely to get pregnant.
Smarter teens have sex with protection/contraceptives so they won't get pregnant and they can finish school, etc.
No, its actually a big difference. If you get an abortion.. then you get an abortion. If your against abortion then people would think your stupid. Theres soo many teenagers that have sex, its not a bad thing. But if you get pregnant, and dont want the baby, then get an aborotion. People are so judgemental. Its none of their business. They dont know what its like.
.. =)
You know I honestly don't get it either. Its like I got pregnant just before I turned 17 and all my church friends were having sex too... but didnt get pregnant. A church is supposed to love you be supportive and help you. Mine kinda shunned my I stopped going for a long time because of how this Baptist church made me feel. It was like should I murder the kid instead... i mean cummon!
exactly u have a point ..i think the girls who have a baby are far more respectful than the girls who get abortions done..people like talking **** about anyone.
a s**t is a s**t is a s**t in my opinion
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