Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Whats the difference between letting your kid sit through sex ed, and watching sexual scene in a movie?

im 14 and ive had a lot of sex ed classes at school and theyre not modest about it. ive seen naked bodies interact on a screeen hahaha but parents make kids fast foward sexual scenes? i think its kind of odd. youre opinion?Whats the difference between letting your kid sit through sex ed, and watching sexual scene in a movie?It's just ackward for some parents to watch sexual scenes with their kids. I mean, we fed you, diapered you, bathed you and to watch a sexual scene with you as a teen?

I hope to be different about it when my kids are teens though. I want to be open with them about sex so when scenes come up and they're giggling I can be calm and tell them sex isn't funny.

The movies you watch in sex ed are different than movie scenes. Most movies are far less revealing than sex really is. Movies only show kissing and rolling around in the bed, no actual penetration is going on. Most parents don't realize just how much teens know and have seen/heard in school so to them they may feel like they're protecting you.Whats the difference between letting your kid sit through sex ed, and watching sexual scene in a movie?They may show you penetration, but there is much more to sex than that. It's positions, it's toys, it's multiple partners... Sex education only touches on the basics. TV doesn't portray sex in it's real light either, which is why it shouldn't be as ackward for parents.

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Whats the difference between letting your kid sit through sex ed, and watching sexual scene in a movie?Sex ed is to teach you about sex and the consequences and what happens. Watching sex scenes on TV isn't much different except they aren't teaching you anything except that it is ok to have sex at a young age... which its not. You're not ready to have sex until you know about it, and the consequences. And you are not considering the hahaha you said in your question. Now remember you asked for opinions.

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