Monday, January 30, 2012

Why are people so gullible?

People will believe anything. They get fooled into alternative medicine , special diets, weird religious practices,etc.

Alternative medicine: most things sold at GNC (except protein powder) are bs. It boggles my mind that so many people can take a special product or herb for years, often like 20 different herbs. or even take themselves or their child off a medication(usually an ADHD medicine) to try the herb. in the past, i could understand how someone could do this. but now we have internet, and i just find it ridiculous that these people spend hours researching herbs and diets, and spending hundreds, but never see the online articles showing that they are BS.

special diets: you dont need a special diet to lose weight. The only reason people on special diets that have strict details like "a specific ratio of alkaline food to acidic food,etc." lose weight is because in order to be on these diets, is that its really hard to actually follow these details, and this makes eating less convenient and more complex than it needs to be, which causes people to just eat less. Eating less and burning more is really the only way of weight loss. its really that simple. although the metabolism slows when u stop eating, and u may be more apt to gain weight when the diet is over, your metabolism will speed back up again before significant weight gain occurs. if that wasnt the case, anorexics wouldnt be skinny. Why do people fall for all this other alternative medicine stuff when most info on the internet shows that its wrong.Why are people so gullible?
well some people want to lose weight fast... it takes forever to lose weight.

plus a lot of people died while using medication, it doesn't work sometimes, people just want to try something else.
Its not that most people are stupid, but some are, its just that people in general don't care. It's just people don't really spend time to think about it like we might, it doesn't always have to do with intelligence. There's absolutely nothing to back up claims in the bible, quran or any other holy book, yet billions of people adhere to them, why?, because they just dont care if they are wrong.Why are people so gullible?
Why are people so gullible?


- ignorance,

- hope the witch some beliefs supply,

- curious (trying something new/bored)

- generally being irrational,

- etc,
'when most info on the internet shows that its wrong'
Your argument failed right at that moment.Why are people so gullible?
I've been pondering this for a while... i have come to the conclusion that people are stupid.
It really comes down on a person's critical thinking, it's how you can put two and two together.

Also humans are programmed to trust people, that's the bases of human society.

Plus people are not stupid, just overly curious, really think of how crazy people would have thought Copernicus to think that a WELL PROVEN FACT that the earth is the center of the universe was wrong.

Think the stars move, sun moves, and the moon moves around earth because that is how it looked.

Well as we all know COPERNICUS WAS RIGHT that the geocentric system was wrong.

So just because it seems like it is proven, it doesn't mean that it is true. So even though it is frustrating when people believes the opposite doesn't make them crazy.

Unless they believe that there are unicorns in Greenland by some info on a website that no one's heard of.( I mean no offense to Greenland)
It is not always that people are gullible.

If you look at the range of vits, mins and other supplements and how we`re bombarded wih`medical breakthroughs`, in the press, and how loath the majority of people are to get into addictive prescription drugs, it`s logical for people to add nutritional supplrment.

The A.P.A., and The Lancet, regularly post emails to profs., (too much to take in where cross-pathologies are affected)...what was last year`s genuine marvel is this year`s hidden side-effect.

And centuries of effort and craft have near-perfected techniques for selling almost any belief-system

When teevee advertising began, the word `new!`, could sell anything..we are now so conditioned....that if someone tells us an unknown is `bad`, we automatically think its` opposite to be `good`.

This is no apologia...who doesn`t get a `pig in a poke`, at ome time? I have not met such a discerning being!

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