Monday, January 30, 2012

How true is this?????…

Because I have heard that they never found a radio broadcast transcript of arabs telling them to leave. It was just a postulation because arabs were leaving even though they were asked to say (not all of course). What is the deal here? I have read many books on this situation. What you read online is mostly crap, books are the way to go. And it seems that one book talks about ethnic cleansing and another talks about voluntary exodus (from fear). Usually when I see a situation like this it boggles my mind.

Also the arab immigration into Palestine in the 1920's is not well documented either. Many historians believe it happened because the population rose by nearly 350,000 (give or take). IT wasn't documented because it was illegal immigration, only in America does illegal immigration get documented because its on American soil. Britain was too far away to document such an event but commented that it was true. So, who should I believe. It's weird how only this conflict has so many books and all of them are different.How true is this?????
The Palestinians were always there but the nature of the data do not permit precise conclusions about the Arab population of Palestine in Ottoman and British times.

In studying the population of Palestine between 1800 and 1948, we must keep in mind that there was only one agreed-upon reliable census in all that time, which took place in 1931.

During the Ottoman rule many did their best to evade military services and taxes. And Nomadic Bedouin were not counted or under counted in both Ottoman and British censuses.

The population figures of the British mandate were more reliable. Even if not 100%.

And your link is fake...
If Israel wanted to make Arabs leave how is it that so many stayed ??

Since the 1800s a steady flow of Jewish immigrants trickled into Israel, many were farmers, the land of Israel was again used for agriculture, laborers were needed to dry the Hula swamp and work the fields.About 12000 Arabs immigrated from Lebanon and Syria.

Glad to be of helpHow true is this?????
We are the Greeks.

We say that this story is not true.

We are the only ones you can trust.

We have nothing to gain here.

We are unbiased.

We support the Palestinians because it's the right thing to do.

We say:

Γει? Σου Ελε?θερη Παλαιστ?νη
Jew friend, that's a fake story.

Jesus man you are such a bore!

Are all jews that boring?

You are worse than the Norwegians you know!

At least your feet don't stink that much.

OMG!! Time to hit the streets. If the snow is low I may have sex tonite, but please don't ask me with whom. I don't want to know either.

Damn gays! You look so good. What a waste.

racist thumbs down for good luck.

please?How true is this?????
There are as many different opinions as there are writers. Books are written for a market and have been a long time. They preach to the choir.

You get to pick which one you want but don't let any one else's opinions be your final opinion.
Here is the true and factual history of Palestine and the jews. Enjoy...

Your welcome.
It's all for zions sake your website there. Thanks but no thanks. Cheers!
You said it yourself;

What you read online is mostly crap!?

And so is your link.
One way to check is when the "ideas" originated.

A lot of the Arab side arguments were developed after the other original ideas were documented %26amp; written about. For instance, it wasn't described as ethnic cleansing back during the time period. There are Arab quotes themselves verifying they were asked to leave by their own leadership (not all of course). has posted some of them recently I think (I saw them ages ago, elsewhere.)

The fence was a study in such behavior. Before it was built, the leftwing supported it as reinforcing their goal of two-state solution %26amp; peace. After it was built at first there was sound bite after bite on US news by the then spokes person (the Arab woman who's name escapes me) about "apartheid" as the reason for unfairness. It was only 3 months later that there was first any complaint about "where" it was located as the problem by the Arabs. For odd time delay considering it was their spokens person setting the tone. Meanwhile the leftwing starting saying the fence was a terrible right wing mistake oppressive mistake, 2nding the "apartheid concept". They've settled on saying it's where it was placed that's the problem right in the Arab faces, yet no mention is made that it's been moved in many placed as a result of court cases won in Israeli court by Arabs.

So, absolutely, the use of propoganda in the media is huge in this subject, %26amp; you can't just read the news to figure it out.

What I've used to dig are:

- Paying attention to when the complaints started. Often well after another truth was accepted by both sides uncontested.

- Really digging for both side's stories. Often there are enough holes in one or the other that it becomes more obvious what's going on. This often means figuring out the right term to search. For instance, that patch of land argued about by Hizbollah (Sheba Farms) has a totally different name in Israel, so if you want facts, you have to think to look for it.

- Using common sense. A Palestinian News Netword article set on showing their "rightness" made it completely obvious that these young kids had just shot off a missle before being counter hit -- that I used it as evidence, but not in the way the article intended. Al-Jazeers %26amp; Lebanon Star sometimes has facts, missing from western papers. Overall the media is so bad that it would often take 5 papers before I pieced together a sensible picture of what happened.

This is my bias, but I'm mention it. After doing a whole bunch of research on all the left-wing claims of horrors, I consistently found Israel had acted reasonably. There is a cultural Arab belief that it's okay to say what's "needed" to win the war. They themselves have been quoted as saying it. So in general, I now just dismiss the drama queen sounding stuff, such as words like "apartheid" when Israel's losing a fortune on the security in the terroritories, not gaining financially the way it was in S. Africa. Also there are Muslim Arab Israel citizens - even Carter says it's not about race or apartheid (at the end of his book.)

Consider this - don't you dismiss the drama queen sounding stuff about Muslims %26amp; Iranians? And some of that is true (but there's a lot to dismiss, for instance, Iranians are largely progressive %26amp; not like Ahemdinajad at all.) I've come to the conclusion, the ME has it's own varient on 9/11 truther information that looks so intriguing, but falls flat only after closely looking.

Good luck with your searches. It's not easy.


A Note

A number of folks in YA Israel travel have made clear anti-semitic remarks such as insisting the Protocol of the Elders is true. So again, use your common sense when you read.

My ancestors have told me few of the stories they lived, my grand father is 98 years old and still fully sane, from what ive heard of him, i can confirm few things on that link are actually true, and some are a bit different than what i have heard.

Ill share what i know.

basically, it started out with the 1920s incidents, from land selling which was divided also into few reasons

Troubles happening made some sell to fellow jewish neighbors out of trust for them and fear from the massacres that were advertised to happen, thinking those lands will be safe if they were found with jewish.

Some did sell lands for money and some were forced to.

The struggle began officially when the land was announced as state of israel, denying the rights of other officials such as when you buy houses it doesnt mean you own the city (lets not argue that am just saying the point of view from this side)

The points after that i agree on are ones like :

Some did get out of fear, and most of them thought it wasnt going to last long

The promised blood bath also existed

The arab armies invasion promise, also true they asked palestinians to leave to be safe untill this is resolved ( 60 yrs so far for that promise)

- We have a different perspective for dir yasin massacre.

I didnt go onto all other notes, cause your question is about were arabs asked to stay for some portions, well yes some of them.

But many were forced to leave, or left out of the threat they felt.

Times were different you know, and many things happened then was easy to scare lots of people, i dont see where that puts the blame on them , however it doesnt mean things wouldnt have looked different if they stayed and proved we can all live together (wish it was out case)

This conflict has 2 sides and each one has his story, question is which is true and to what extent?

What you need to remember is that even books have opinions, after all they are written by humans and humans have opinions which are influenced by the political side they take. Try to look at facts and make your conclusions from there.


Some Arabs left, some to make room for invading armies(they thought they would win and come back) and some from fear of war itself.

Others decided to stay, some of them were forced out(mainly from villages who took part in the fight) after all it was war and some remained in Israel(mainly from villages who did not take part in the war).

Israel DID encourage Arabs to stay and become citizens.

Here is your proof:

- 1.2 million Muslims are Israeli citizens with full rights(if the Jewish goal was ethnic cleansing we have failed badly).

- Bedouins, Druze, Christians and an Arab Muslim minority who supports Israel did not become refugees. Bedouins and Druze(together with the Jews) fought the Muslim Arabs(today called Palestinians) who wanted to destroy the Jewish state, they stood by us from day one and participated in the independence war.

There are Muslim Arab villages in Israel, these villages were not harmed, these Muslims did not participate in the war so there was no reason to force them to leave, neither did they have a reason to leave, they supported the Jews and today they serve in the Israeli army together with Druze Bedouins and Jews. Look up Kfar Kama for example.

The reason why the refugees were not allowed back in was because the majority of them were a threat to Israel, you can't allow people who want to destroy you to enter your home.

They had their chance to get a second independent Arab Muslim state in Palestine(first one was Jordan) but it was more important to them to not let us have a state/home as well.
Not true

What you talking is not history

there are few families stayed in Talbeyeh after 1948 till 1967 i might try to get one of them to write how life was during this period, I know it was terrible full of hatred inconvenience racism ,Who ever left there was looking to be in more close community ,the same as Jews did as well,Talbeyeh is an area where rich pple lived ,Jews lived there Muslim Pals and Christian Pals, as rich houses are "villas" so they preferred just to be in condensed area where he can be more protected,Many of them till this minute are living in east Jerusalem ,and they carry the tabo of there houses

here is a story of little girl ,who lived in one of these houses on the main road now ,red colored stones

She used to study in Bethlehem ,she was a kid ,the school bus took her to school,once she came back from school,she had a dead father in the house dead mother, a poor little girl sat on the stairs crying ,her fathers family took her to Amman and she stayed with relatives

By 1993 she was of the very first to come to jerusalem\

"She used to work in Jordan TV"

she came to her house

she knocked on the door

they (?) answered and never let her in

if you want me work more on this topic I will sure get you all details

the family Muzaffar had a big piece of land near what is called now Holandia next to "Gihon"in talbeyeh he is in east jerusalem and he lived once in Talbeyeh

so just do not believe what you read it is just ////////

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