Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Do You Think About The Idea for My Novel?

This is a little something i'd like to share i want to become the next big author i know alot of people say this but i believe i was born for this purpose to give birth to a fiction series now a couple warnings my literary skills only take affect when i professionly write most of what i write for my novel series are with no misspellings or poor grammar i check what i write but online it is far different so do not let that disceive you anyway my idea is about a boy named Phoenix Striker he is no ordinary boy he is a half-demon in another world these demons are like you hear of they don't come from hell or fight against angels these demons share enhanced and similarly demonic abillities such as enhanced speed, senses and agility to conjure blasts from their fists and some even transform into a "True Demon" which is to change eye color to red to grow wings to grow hair, etc but these demons are not common in every generation anyway there are two sides of the land of demons who have been in conflict for over a decade who have developed armies the east side known as the side with the most morality or good for short the non-civillains named Knights and the opposite on the west side and non-civillains named Phantoms the timezone is lost as there is modern day electricity and internet but no automobile transition the combat is more Medieval the main weapon in the series are Swords the land or map shall i say is also more Medieval and a cross between some modern day architecture the story simply runs on a Prophecy "Only one of the striker's blood will eradicate the terror that locks itself within the menacing body of seed." meaning only the two surviving blood of the striker family will defeat the main antagonist seed who betrayed the main story's village 12 years ago, responsible for the death of the striker branch and ofcourse the title of the series is named Phoenix Striker For a reason so it dosn't give away much thinking to who the prophecy will be fulfilled by anyway for anything extra series planned for 7 books time gaps included races introduced abillities increased character developed takes a huge hit mind boggling in depth-story you get the idea i didn't want to mention too much for when i take the challenging road to the world of publishing to spoil it this is just the idea and beginning plot i have to hopefully make this almost as successful as harry potter or other world famous fiction franchises so mainly what do you think?What Do You Think About The Idea for My Novel?
Oh my God, that is quite possibly the worst grammar/spelling/sentence structure I have ever seen on B%26amp;A.

I hope you're a troll. If're certainly deluded if you think that you'll become the next "big author" with that kind of talk and spelling! Not to mention the horrendous ego.

Seriously, there was only ONE full-stop in that whole paragraph...that was....oh my eyes are burning.

EDIT: Oh, and I want to add, real writers (i.e. writers like J.K. Rowling) do not write to get published. They write for themselves. Seeing as this is NOT what you seem to be doing....well.

Want me to edit that first paragraph for you?
"Captain Jester!" Sylvester shouted with relief.
"Sylvester, are you okay?" Jester [asked - take out the "questioned", it makes the writing sound clumsy.]
Sylvester glanced at [Doctor with a capital D] Marevus and glanced [why was there an "enter" here?] [also, you used glanced twice] back at Jester. "Yeah...[I'm - captial I, you should know this by now] okay."
[There SHOULD be an enter here] Jester walked [again, what the hell is with the formatting?] over to a table against the wall that had [omit that "had", it's awful passive voice] mugs and pictures of coffee sitting on the surface [yawn, rewrite to make it more interesting. I'm not interested in furniture.]
"It's almost over [there should be a comma here, not a full stop.]" Jester announced. "All that [another random enter?!] is left is the fight between Severes and the traitor." [This just states the plot. You need to be more subtle.]
Sylvester stood from the stool he was sitting on [rewrite that, it's very clumsy] in awe. "Do you know who the traitor [random enter?] is [NEVER use a full-stop and then a quotation mark!]" Sylvester asked [fearfully - the rest is unneeeded.]

There you have it, kiddo. I wasn't even looking all that deeply into the writing and I found all those amateur errors. You are NOT a writing god, so cut down the ego and we might take you seriously.What Do You Think About The Idea for My Novel?
i would read something like that but i think its kind of pointless to put the plot in modern times if they are fighting with swords eg the eragon series was great and it didnt need the story to utilise electricity or the internet

yeah the idea is great but dont go writting to become famous etc do it because you love itWhat Do You Think About The Idea for My Novel?
I honestly think you need to develop this idea further, it has a good basis. However I think you should incorporate some more modern themes in to it. I also think you need to work on your grammar for example, you do not put 'i' like this you always have a capital letter for 'I'. I wish you best of luck with this Idea and I hope that you take my advice.

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