Monday, January 30, 2012

Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?

I was prescribed Xanax .5mg tablets not too long ago and since then had one more refill than my doctor switched me to Klonopin. One night I took 18 .5mg tabs (9mg clonazepam) so I could get high and also drank 6 beers but it honestly didnt do as much as I thought it would do to me. I could walk straight, talk fine and really didn't feel that intoxicated. Is it possible that my tolerance is really that high? Just blows my mind I haven't been taking benzodiazipines for long and it seems like these pills just don't do crap to me. I gave one .5 mg pill to my friend who takes these class of drugs occasionally and he also had a beer and he was completely out of it and didn't remember much of the night. I remember everything perfectly. Is it possible that my brain handles these drugs completely different from other people? Its just strange to me and after taking all of these pills I stopped cold turkey and felt no withdrawals whatsoever. I can eat fine and get good sleep. This is just mind boggling to me. I'm seeing a therapist tomorrow about all this stuff. Also I'm 17, 125 lbs and have been taking these pills for panic attacks. Any suggestions as to why these drugs don't affect me like they do to others? Every experience I read about online about people taking these class of drugs always seem to feel relaxed and calm. I admit they do affect me but not even a tenth of what they do to normal people. I got 33mg left and I really don't have much desire to take them. This is all kinda funny to me but should I be worried? Is it possible I have a natural tolerance? In the past Ive been prescribed painkillers for my appendicitis surgery and after taking like 10 percocets I couldn't even tell if I was feeling anything. I guess pills just don't affect me like normal people. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks a lot in advance.Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?

It sounds like you know about benzodiazepines already so I won't launch into letting you know how dangerous they are... I'll try and answer your question though.

Yes, it is very unusual that combining your Klonopins with alcohol didn't get you more intoxicated. Or even just the Klonopins or Percocets alone. They are supposed to affect you more, especially if you are abusing them, which you self-admittedly are.

That being said, I wouldn't test the waters anymore. It would definitely seem that you don't react to them the same way as other people. However, this doesn't mean they aren't having the same effect on your stomach, liver, kidneys, and heart. Just because they aren't getting you high doesn't make your body superhuman. Drinking a six pack and taking 15 Klonopin is undoubtedly doing damage to your liver without you feeling it or knowing it. There's just no way that your body is able to filter that out quickly enough for it to be safe or healthy.

I do meet many drug addicts who appear to have higher tolerance to benzos. Not necessarily because the drugs don't affect them, but because the effect is different. They may not feel the effects of the drug.

If you've been on benzos for a while though, it is of course natural to gain tolerance to them. But I've met full blown benzo addicts who probably couldn't take that much and not get high.

So... I would talk about it with your doctor. It is of course extremely unsafe, and benzo withdrawal can cause death due to organs shutting down. Benzodiazepines and alcohol are the only two types of drugs in which people die from withdrawals. So please be careful. Mixing benzos with alcohol is a popular combination for drug abusers but it's the most dangerous one too.

Please be advised....... Good luck!Klonopin, alcohol and tolerance?
Alcohol and benzodiazipenes a great combination. You won't get high but you could get dead!

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