Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm afraid that literally no one else has the same opinion on things as me in the LEAST?

I'm thirteen, and to tell you the truth I've been told that I think like an eighty year old man. Not like, "Oh, my back aches, where's meh apple sauce?" lol But I tend to over think things... like near death experiences, sexuality, religion, the context of simple sentences on a test... things like clothes, celebrities and hair cuts couldn't possibly amuse me as much as learning about what boggles my mind the most. I'm a thinker, and when I think about things I let people know. Thing is, everybody says I'm weird. I don't deny that but... I'd like to know at least one person who can hold a deep and interesting conversation about not-so-common things. I'm actually a bit (very) shy, my home/social life is a wreck, panic attacks and such... am I crazy? I've been to therapists and such, I'm on medication but that doesn't seem to be helping me make friends. I'm really funny, but I don't talk a lot and usually don't speak unless spoken to.

I know this is long, but I ramble. Here's what I think makes me weird:

My opinion on spirituality is that life is only a phase, it's only temporary. When we die, that's when real life begins, and also when we're greeted by the most loving and accepting God who conjured up this abstract universe out of literally the empty bits of itself.

The reason why we're on Earth is because we need to know reality before we can gain enough knowledge to accept death and live beyond the realm of what we know. But that's a challenge within itself, because a lot of people are hidden away from reality by the people that care about them the most.

I want to be an author.

And finally- I watch Doctor Oz almost religiously. x)

I still wonder a lot of things, but those are the thoughts that are going around in my head right now. Am I truly insane? Or do I have a deeper opinion than the kids I'm around for a nice chunk of my week? You could say that I live in the ghetto (Born and raised in it.)... and that's why there aren't kids who think like I do. Please no trolling... serious question here, it isn't a joke. What can I do to be more normal? Online, like on Yahoo Answers, complete STRANGERS tell me I'm funny and that I have good sense- but the children I've grown up with since preschool say I'm dull and a worthless b*tch. Of course I don't take that too seriously, but it takes its toll on my mental state. Thoughts about bullies just roll around and around in my head until it all finally pours out and I break down. The pills are helping me some... but my parents are thinking about pulling me out of school because I come home crying and stay in bed all afternoon. Once I even refused to eat because of all the crap kids caused me.

Please help me... I want to know that there's at least one person out there who thinks I'm just a different kind of normal, and that I'm not a mental mistake. Help?I'm afraid that literally no one else has the same opinion on things as me in the LEAST?
When you go through puberty, I do know that your mental abilities increase, such as being able to understand more complex things, and have a better memory, which could be why you think such complex things. It's not a bad thing, it's actually probably a good thing.

And how you said you want to be an author, go for it! Seems you have a very good vocabulary for a 13-year old.I'm afraid that literally no one else has the same opinion on things as me in the LEAST?
Nothing weird about that. Welcome to planet Earth, where 99% of people are dumb.

Find other people to converse with. Join Mensa if they let you join Mensa at 13. You have peers. You have people to whom you can relate. You just have to go out and find them.I'm afraid that literally no one else has the same opinion on things as me in the LEAST?
What's wrong with being original? Just embrace who you are and live life to the fullest. Who knows? There may end up being no afterlife, so you might as well live it up while you can.

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