Is there anywhere a person can go to obtain any more information on empathic abilities, or a book that gives straight answers. Online there's really too much information about nothing, it's enough to boggle the mind. I used to be able to sense out emotions in people so well, but lately it feels like there is so much white noise- so much stuff to think about for me- that the sensations I used to feel are drifting farther away. Not unlike your hearing when someone moves farther and farther away while whispering. I used to meditate twice a day when it was really strong to help calm down my thoughts, but I feel like the "you don't know what you have until you lose it" motto unfortunately applies here as well. So anyone that can offer any advice on this subject is greatly welcomed, and I truly do appreciate it. I feel like I'm losing a part of myself- an important part of my identity. I would love to hear that this has happened to other people and they found ways to avoid losing it completely. I've got my fingers crossed. Thanks.Empathic Abilities and Concerns?
You didn't mention how old you are ! Most people's psychic gifts start manifesting (or getting stronger) at puberty. You also didn't mention whether you are going through some particularly stressful times, or an illness. Stress and illnesses can affect or even shut down ones psychic abilities.
Do a search on three things--grounding, centering and the chakras. Meditation is one form of grounding, and you need to be grounded (and shielded--look up psychic shielding) so your gifts don't overwhelm you. Start meditating again, even if it's just taking three deep breaths !
The chakras are your body's energy centers, and you should try working with them.
Psychic shielding is a way of maintaining a barrier between you and all the psychic dust and lint in the air ! It can be as simple as visualizing a bubble of light around you that things bounce off of. You can "program" a piece of jewelry or a crystal to help you shield and wear or carry it with you.
email me at my address if you'd like to talk further about this. Good Luck !Empathic Abilities and Concerns?
I think that you already realize that you have accidentally started the shut down process but don't worry too much about it. I think that all you need to do is to focus on it and practice and it will wake up again. I don't think you can lose psychic capabilities completely, I think you can only suppress them. Like a muscle, if you haven't used it in a while it may be weak but you can work it out and make it strong again.
Start trying to feel out people's emotions when you are talking to them, open yourself to not only hearing what they are saying but feeling what they are feeling. If you have a friend who can help you, have them think of memories without telling you if they are happy or sad and see if you can correctly feel the emotion they are emitting.
I would also suggest that you learn how to shield and ground. These are ways to get some piece of mind without actually suppressing your abilities. Shielding would be for when you don't want to feel what someone else is feeling and grounding is for like when you are being there for someone and their heavy emotion is overwhelming to you. Also, if you start to hear a bunch of chatter, try the visualization of a volume control and turn it down....or think of a tuning nob on a radio and try to tune in to one frequency.
Lastly, I don't know what is going on with you right now but it could be that you had nothing to do with this ability lessening. It could be a survival thing. This part of you could just be shutting down or quieting down temporarily because right now you need to focus on yourself and your own wants, needs and emotions.
Either way, you wont lose it, you'll just have to work it out again when you are ready.
Here is some information on shielding and grounding:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
BTW, my Mom goes through waves of extreme psychic ability. She might have just regular intuitive nudges for years and then she is hit with all this information, other people's thoughts etc. and it's really intense for months and then it quiets down again. That hasn't ever been a problem with me, it is kind of a calm and constant with me but maybe you have it like my Mom does and it comes in bursts...and maybe those are the times when you really need the extra oomph. ;)
Wow, you got a lot of great answers. I think that you should really take that as a good sign that you are more plugged in than you think and that everything is going to be alright. You are being shown that support is all around you. Do you need a reading? Email me and I will do one for you over the weekend.Empathic Abilities and Concerns?
I keep hearing several things for you. The loudest thing I'm hearing is that it's not gone, it's just changing. I also heard that if meditation was helping, then start meditating again. THEN I have a need to ask you if you're releasing what you pick up? I also want to tell you that you need to learn to focus inward.
Now, at first none of that made any sense to me, so I had to get up away from the computer for a while. Which helped. Sounds like meditation is doing two things for you--it's helping you release everything you pick up and helping you learn to focus inward. And then it hit me. Sounds like what's happening is that you're sending your senses out from yourself...and noticing everything around you. Meditation was, as I said, helping you learn to focus. You can learn to do this without meditation, but it takes time. It's there within you. you just have to learn how to listen again. Learn to focus inward. Focus on your heart and listen from there. Forget the mind chatter. You might try shielding, but I don't find that works for me. I soak up stuff anyway.
As for books or places with more're not going to find any definitive "expert". And that's because while the gifts are similar, the people are different. Everybody is an individual, and the same gift works differently in every single person. No two people will work exactly the same. You have to find what works for YOU. Often that takes trial and error.
Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck. It's still there. You just have re-find it again. The noise is blocking what you sense. You must be focusing outward because the message I keep getting is, go inward.
You need to relax and not concentrate on losing your gift. Negative thinking will take away your gifts long enough to make you feel as if you lost a part of yourself as you said. I'm curious why you stopped meditating? Meditation doesn't need to be long, in fact I meditate a minute in the morning so I can concentrate on slowing my breathing and quiet my mind. I ask to be covered in the bright white light of the Holy Spirit. Then I'm ready to head out into the world and all the noise that goes with it.
As an example, I ride the bus every other day and can easily pick up all the feelings from everyone on board including the driver. If I didn't protect myself every morning before I go out and every night before going to sleep I would be so lost. Not only am I an empath, I can see, hear, smell,taste, feel and I just received the gift of seeing Auras. I have a few more gifts and as long as I stay focused, ask for guidance from my spirit guides, animal guides,angels and ascended masters.
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